5 Ways You Can Develop Your Transferable Skills

Published: 12 December 2023
5 Ways You Can Develop Your Transferable Skills

Transferable skills play a crucial role in the workplace, significantly boosting your chances of getting hired. However, they might be overlooked, and you might not actively work on improving your skills.

If you're searching for a job or aiming to advance in your current workplace, enhancing your transferable skills can enhance your prospects.

Now, let's explore what exactly transferable skills entail.

What Are Transferable Skills?

A woman leading a meetingA woman leading a meeting
What Are Transferable Skills?

Transferable skills are sometimes referred to as ‘core skills’ and refer to your skill set that is applicable to any profession. By contrast, what’s known as ‘hard skills’ are specific to a job type, such as the ability to operate a forklift truck, for example.

Transferable skills typically include:

  • Teamwork
  • Time management
  • Problem-solving
  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Adaptability 

It’s these skills help you become a well-rounded employee, essentially giving you the necessary tools to excel in any environment. Regardless of which industry you work in, being able to work well in a team and communicate with colleagues, for example, will greatly improve your chances of excelling in your career. 

Often through education and work experience your transferable skills will develop naturally over time but it is important to measure your progress and ensure that you possess the necessary transferable skills to excel as a professional.

1. Challenge yourself with new experiences

It’s been said that “comfort breeds complacency”, which can be extremely applicable when it comes to skill development. Without challenging yourself and exploring different pressures, it can be very difficult to grow.

By putting yourself into new environments and dealing with new situations headfirst, you can get a clear idea of your strengths and weaknesses. For example, if you find it difficult to communicate with large groups of people, the most effective way to overcome this and improve your communication skills is by practising conversation in more social settings, even if it feels a little uncomfortable at first. By starting small and working your way up, you’ll likely see your confidence grow and find your group communication skills develop as a result.

2. Evaluate yourself

A tutor helping a student at the computerA tutor helping a student at the computer
Evaluate Yourself

It’s easy to become passive and overlook your transferable skills, but without a clear understanding of your own strengths and weaknesses, it can be difficult to develop. 

If it helps, write them out in a list so you have a clear idea of which areas you excel in, and which will need work to develop. If you’re someone who struggles with evaluating themself, you can always ask someone else…

3. Invite constructive feedback

Taking on feedback and advice from someone else is a great way to grow as a person. It can be difficult to notice our own flaws or shortcomings, but having the ability to take criticism and turn that into a positive to better yourself is crucial to self-improvement.

Whether it’s a friend, colleague or boss, receiving feedback can allow you to see things from a different perspective and help you easily identify your weaknesses. 

4. Learn from others

Creating an environment in which you’re surrounded by highly skilled people can go a very long way to aid your self-development. This gives you the opportunity to watch and learn as you work alongside them, asking for advice and support which can help you grow your own skills.

Learning from others doesn't have to be a passive experience either, there are plenty of situations where you can seek education from others. From asking for 1-on-1 sessions with management to entering education, there are many ways you can grab your own personal development with both hands.

When we say education, that doesn’t necessarily mean heading back to school or hiring a private tutor if that isn’t for you. There are plenty of courses available online and in person that you can take alongside your current commitments so you can begin the journey to enriching yourself without hitting pause on the rest of your life.

5. Take a skills development course

Students sitting in a classroomStudents sitting in a classroom
Take a Skills Development Course

Enrolling on an adult course designed to enhance your transferable skills and help you develop your existing skillset is a great way to challenge yourself. By developing your transferable skills through a course, you’re able to improve your employability and increase your confidence.

At City Lit, we offer a variety of Skills For Life courses design to improve your employability and enhance you transferable skills with clear criteria, goals and a tutor to guide you along the way.

Develop Your Transferable Skills With City Lit

To learn new skills and unlock your full potential, explore our courses designed to boost you career.

5 Ways You Can Develop Your Transferable Skills