BSL level 2
Time: 10:00 - 17:00
Location: Keeley Street
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- Course Code: QB661
- Dates: 03/05/25 - 19/07/25
- Time: 10:00 - 17:00
- Taught: Sat, Daytime
- Duration: 12 sessions (over 12 weeks)
- Location: Keeley Street
- Tutor: Peter Brown
Course Code: QB661
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Duration: 12 sessions (over 12 weeks)
Please note: We offer a wide variety of financial support to make courses affordable. Just visit our online Help Centre for more information on a range of topics including fees, online learning and FAQs.
What is the course about?
This course is designed to enable you to communicate with Deaf people in British Sign Language at level 2 standard within a range of everyday topics. The course leads to the Level 2 Certificate in BSL, accredited by the Signature awarding body. The qualification comprises three units: receptive, productive and conversational skills.
You will have the opportunity to undertake the examinations for these three units within the course.
What will we cover?
You will learn receptive, productive and conversational skills at level 2 in the following topic areas:
- everyday conversation
- daily social / work / school routines
- eating and drinking
- shopping and spending
- travel and holidays
- BSL grammatical structure and features.
What will I achieve?
By the end of this course you should be able to...
Demonstrate usage of BSL at level 2 by:
- showing a wide range of vocabulary
- using correct and clear hand shapes
- using suitable facial expressions with signs
- conducting a conversation with a deaf person
- showing turn-taking and asking for clarification
- telling a short story
- answering questions on a short signed story.
What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?
This course is at level 2. You will be invited to a 1-1 interview with our BSL Level 2 co-ordinator to make sure that this course is suitable for you. The interview will take place via Zoom.
Signature, the awarding body for BSL exams, has the following essential requirements: ‘BSL competence standards include requirements for candidates to have sufficient sight, manual dexterity, facial and body movement to produce and receive BSL. If you wish to discuss these requirements, please contact the department at for advice.
You will need to have basic literacy skills as you will be asked to write some self-evaluations and read topics and instructions for examinations.
How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside the class?
The teaching delivery methods will include:
• Interactive taught sessions
• Questions and answers
• Receptive skills from video clips
• Google Classroom for resources
• 1 to 1 feedback sessions
You will be expected to practice your BSL skills at home as homework.
Are there any other costs? Is there anything I need to bring?
Examination fees are included in the course fees.
When I've finished, what course can I do next?
If you successfully in pass the Signature Level 2 assessments, you can apply to join a Pre level 3 in BSL or Level 3 certificate in BSL course.