Touch typing and keyboard skills

Course Dates: 29/04/25 - 10/06/25
Time: 18:15 - 20:15
Location: Keeley Street
Do you need to learn to type quickly and efficiently? Are you working or do you want to work in administration? Learn how to type with correct finger placement without looking at the keyboard. Build your speed with practice and speed tests. No previous experience required.

This course is FREE if you are employed and on a low wage or you are claiming benefits. For more information Click here

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Full fee £179.00 Senior fee £143.00 Concession £90.00

Touch typing and keyboard skills
  • Course Code: CKB07
  • Dates: 29/04/25 - 10/06/25
  • Time: 18:15 - 20:15
  • Taught: Tue, Evening
  • Duration: 7 sessions (over 7 weeks)
  • Location: Keeley Street

Course Code: CKB07

Tue, eve, 29 Apr - 10 Jun '25

Duration: 7 sessions (over 7 weeks)

Please note: We offer a wide variety of financial support to make courses affordable. Just visit our online Help Centre for more information on a range of topics including fees, online learning and FAQs.

What is the course about?

On this course, you will learn how to touch-type in the most efficient and effective way. You will become familiar with the layout of the keyboard and learn to touch type accurately without using the sense of sight to find the keys. Instead you will come to know the location of keys through muscle memory. As a result, you will be able to achieve a much higher typing speed when creating documents or entering data. You will also learn the importance of correct posture, positioning of equipment and how to avoid Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) as well as protect your eyes. This course is essential for anyone wanting to work in administration or an office environment.

What will we cover?

• Use of the 'home keys' [asdf jkl;] (where you put your fingers to start typing).
• Step by step learning of all the alphabet keys.
• The importance of ergonomics - correct posture, positioning of equipment, avoidance of RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury).
• Health and safety at work in relation to computer use.

What will I achieve?
By the end of this course you should be able to...

I• recognise the layout of a Qwerty keyboard.
• identify the home keys and their significance.
• touch type using correct posture and positioning
• touch type using all ten fingers, looking at the screen not at the keyboard.
• attain a speed of 15-20 words per minute by the end of the course, though this speed will be much increased by regular practice between sessions
• identify key ways of avoiding injury while typing.

What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?

No previous knowledge or experience is necessary. You may have learned your own way of typing. This course will show you that a more efficient and effective way is available. You should be able to follow spoken instructions, read written instructions and information, and discuss work with your tutor.

How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside the class?

You will learn in a supportive and welcoming environment with an emphasis on your discovering how to do and complete tasks and functions, with guidance from the tutor. You will learn in a step by step manner so you can achieve challenging aims in an enjoyable and productive way. You will have lots of opportunities to practise as well as understand what you are doing and why. Everyone will be encouraged to participate and interact in a way that is best for them, including working in pairs and groups, as well as on your own. You will need to do work outside the classroom and use Google Classroom to help you.

Are there any other costs? Is there anything I need to bring?

You will need a pen, some lined A4 paper and a file to keep your work in. Your tutor will provide handouts and a code for Google classroom so you can communicate with classmates and access materials, videos etc. online.

When I've finished, what course can I do next?

There are many courses you can do before, at the same time or after this course, particularly to help you with office and administration work. These include:
• Business administration with digital skill: how to be an administrator (foundation)
• Business administration: ICT skills for business (advanced)
• Business Administration: how to be a PA (foundation)
• Business Administration: using Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access (intermediate-level 2)
• Business Administration: getting ready for level 3 certificate in IT user skills - ICDL Advanced (intermediate)
• Business Administration with digital skills: how to be organised, efficient and customer-focused using Outlook and OneNote (intermediate)
• Business administration: how to organise and manage with OneNote, MS Outlook and OneDrive (intermediate)
• Award in Digital and IT Skills: word-processing, spreadsheets, presentations and databases (level 2)
• Level 3 certificate in IT user skills (ICDL Advanced)
• Digital skills for the workplace: creating newsletters, reports and tables with Word (intermediate)
• Digital skills for business: presenting and managing professional-looking documents with Word and Excel - from reports to newsletters (intermediate)

You can also do classes in the maths and English areas. These include:
• Workplace communication with digital skills: English for the office and business (intermediate level 1-level 2)
• Business administration with digital skills: communication skills in a business environment (advanced level 2)
• Communication skills: grammar foundation (level 1-2)
• Maths for business: the essential skills to run a company and make a profit (level 1-2)

For more information, talk with your tutor or contact / 020 4582 0423.

We’re sorry. We don’t have a bio ready for the tutor of this class at the moment, but we’re working on it! Watch this space.