Pre level 6 in BSL

Course Dates: 02/10/24 - 27/11/24
Time: 10:00 - 16:00
Location: Keeley Street
This course is the language development part of the Level 6 in BSL Studies. Ideal for you if you have passed level 3 in BSL or Level 4 in BSL - depending on your BSL skills. This course is suitable for you if you want to continue to develop your skills up to the appropriate standard for progression to the Level 6 in BSL.
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Full fee £629.00 Senior fee £629.00 Concession £629.00

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Pre level 6 in BSL
  • Course Code: QV041
  • Dates: 02/10/24 - 27/11/24
  • Time: 10:00 - 16:00
  • Taught: Wed, Daytime
  • Duration: 8 sessions (over 9 weeks)
  • Location: Keeley Street
  • Tutor: Emma Iliffe

Course Code: QV041

Wed, day, 02 Oct - 27 Nov '24

Duration: 8 sessions (over 9 weeks)

Before booking on this course, please contact us for a chat with our team to check that this course is the right level for you.
Email us to enrol:
Why do I need an advice session?

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Please note: We offer a wide variety of financial support to make courses affordable. Just visit our online Help Centre for more information on a range of topics including fees, online learning and FAQs.

What is the course about?

At Pre Level 6, you’ll improve your productive and receptive skills in British Sign
Language (BSL) in a variety of situations, domains and registers.

On completing Pre Level 6, you’ll be able to:
• Understand and use complex BSL in a wide range of work situations
• Enhance your knowledge and understanding of BSL linguistics theory and practice.

What will we cover?

• BSL grammar and features
• Informal/formal setting debate and meeting
• Include: Medicine, Education, Employment/Business, Finance, Politics/Law, Society, Media and Science/Technology
• Learn to watch a video and write self-evaluation.

What will I achieve?
By the end of this course you should be able to...

• Take an active role in complex situations using BSL
• Maintain fluent and accurate BSL over extended periods within their area of expertise
• Understand and use a complex range of vocabulary and technical language
• Follow and formulate discussions, proposals and arguments in the support of theories and/or ideas
• Understand and use, with accuracy, most colloquial and idiosyncratic BSL.

What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?

This course is aimed at those who have achieved Level 4 certificate in BSL or equivalent and have been recommended to progress to this level. The course prepares you for Level 6 in BSL. If you are assessed as being ready at interview, you can progress on to this course.

You need to have appropriate literacy skills as you’ll be asked to produce a practice Linguistic essay and some self-evaluations. You will also need to be able to read instructions for assignments and exercises.

You need to have appropriate literacy skills as you’ll be asked to produce a practice Linguistic essay and some self-
evaluations. You will also need to be able to read instructions for assignments and exercises.

For Deaf learners, arrangements can be made for this essay to take place in BSL rather than written English. You will need to come for an interview so that we can assess whether your BSL is at the appropriate level for
the course.

How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside the class?

• Classroom discussion
• Group work
• Receptive skills practice
• 1:1 discussions
• Role-play / simulation
• Practice activities
• Using our resources and materials on Google Classroom – accessed through your student account.

Are there any other costs? Is there anything I need to bring?

You only need to bring a pen and paper and optionally your own smartphone/tablet if required for research.

When I've finished, what course can I do next?

At the end of the course, your teacher will give you advice and guidance on your progress. Following discussion with you, it will be agreed whether you are ready to apply for Level 6 in BSL course.

Emma Iliffe

Emma has been teaching for more than 25 years. At City Lit she teaches Level 3 and Level 4 in BSL, and has previously taught BSL Level 1 and 2. She has also delivered National Curriculum BSL to Deaf children from nursery age to year 6 at Blanche Nevile School in North London. She is chair of the Association of British Sign Language Teachers and Assessors (ABSLTA). She established the ‘BSL News’ Facebook group, currently with nearly 5,000 followers! Emma has taught BSL, from Introduction to Level 4 at a range of settings and organisations, including: Chicken Shed Theatre, Blanche Nevile School and City Lit. In 2018, Emma was chosen by Signature as their ‘Excellent Teacher’ in their Annual Awards! She was also nominated as one of the top teachers working in Haringey Education Authority in 2016. Emma was the staff representative on the board of Governors at Blanche Nevile School. Emma has one Deaf and one hearing sister and has links to other Deaf organisations through her parent. Her mother, Winifred Tumim was chair of the board of trustees of RNID (now Action on Hearing Loss) and CACDP (previous name for Signature) during the 1980s and 1990s.

Please note: We reserve the right to change our tutors from those advertised. This happens rarely, but if it does, we are unable to refund fees due to this. Our tutors may have different teaching styles; however we guarantee a consistent quality of teaching in all our courses.