Courses in London & Online

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City Lit is the UK’s leading adult education provider. Over 30 000 learners choose City Lit every year to learn something new. From mastering new languages and honing creative skills to advancing your career with professional development courses. Whatever your passion or goal, our diverse curriculum has the perfect course to inspire your next step.

Taught by experts and practising professionals

All our courses are led by expert tutors including published authors, academics, practising artists, and experienced professionals; and they look forward to sharing their valuable knowledge and experience with you.

Dive into an unparalleled range of online courses with City Lit, the UK’s leading adult education provider. From mastering new languages and honing creative skills to advancing your career with professional development courses. Whatever your passion or goal, our diverse curriculum has the perfect course to inspire your next step.

Courses in London & Online

Thousands of short courses in London and online as well as longer skills-based courses and qualifications available to book online now!

Whether you want to try something new, revive your passion, or take your skills to the next level; we have a huge range of courses for you to explore. Discover Languages, Art & Design, Drama, Music & Dance, Technology & Business, Writing, British Sign Language and much more!

All our courses here at City Lit are taught by expert tutors such as published authors, academics, practising artists, and experienced professionals. Our friendly, supportive, and inspiring tutors are here to boost your confidence and motivate you at every step. We always ensure that your journey with us is enjoyable, positive, and thought-provoking.

We offer online courses and in-person courses. Our interactive online courses are taught live and in small groups. Read our guide to online learning for more information. In-person courses are delivered at our modern college campus in London near Covent Garden

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Items 1-15 of 123

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  1. Full fee £229.00 Senior fee £183.00 Concession £149.00
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  2. Spanish 4: lengua y literatura
    Course start date:  Mon 17 Feb 2025 (and 1 other date)

    Location on this date:  Online

    Tutors:  Óscar Salgado Suárez
    Este curso es para aquellos estudiantes que han estudiado unos cinco años de español y desean obtener un conocimiento más profundo de la lengua y cultura del mundo hispanohablante. En este módulo se leerá y analizará un libro dentro de su contexto histórico.

    This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.
    Full fee £129.00 Senior fee £103.00 Concession £84.00
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  3. Spanish 2 conversation
    Course start date:  Tue 18 Feb 2025 (and 2 other dates)

    Location on this date:  Online

    Tutors:  Natalia Fajardo Ilaja
    Revise, consolidate and improve your listening and speaking skills on this lively course, which will help you communicate more confidently in daily life situations. Ideal if you are doing 'Spanish 2 lower', 'Spanish 2 upper' or have an equivalent level (A2 level).

    This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.
    Full fee £129.00 Senior fee £129.00 Concession £84.00
    90% of 100
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  4. Spanish beginners: module 1
    Course start date:  Wed 19 Feb 2025 (and 7 other dates)

    Location on this date:  Online

    Tutors:  Adriana Itriago Gavidia
    Learn to speak Spanish on this lively, communicative course for complete beginners. Taught in Spanish with the emphasis on developing your listening and speaking skills.

    Based on Units 1-3 of Nos Vemos Hoy 1; publisher: Campus Difusión (please see the relevant section for the ISBN)

    Please do not buy the book until after the first session, as if you transfer to another level you might use a different book.

    This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.
    Full fee £209.00 Senior fee £209.00 Concession £136.00
    89% of 100
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  5. Spanish 2/3: focus on accents - Andalucía
    Course start date:  Wed 19 Feb 2025

    Location on this date:  Keeley Street

    Tutors:  Elisabet Rodriguez
    How do you cope with different Spanish accents? Do you find some easier to understand than others? This series of short courses will help you understand the specificities and intricacies of a variety of Spanish and South American accents, so you can spot their speakers more easily and understand them better to keep the conversation going.
    Full fee £49.00 Senior fee £39.00 Concession £32.00
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  6. Spanish 3 upper: module 1
    Course start date:  Fri 21 Feb 2025 (and 2 other dates)

    Location on this date:  Online

    Tutors:  Adriana Itriago Gavidia
    Further improve your Spanish in this lively class, taught in Spanish with the emphasis on developing your speaking and listening skills. You will also acquire a greater understanding of Spanish grammar. Suitable if you have completed 'Spanish 3 lower' or equivalent. Based on Aula Internacional 3 Plus, (Difusión Publishers).

    Please do not buy the book until after the first session, as if you transfer to another level you might use a different book.

    This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.
    Full fee £219.00 Senior fee £175.00 Concession £142.00
    97% of 100
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  7. Spanish 4/5: El Quijote desde el siglo XXI: el primer libro de carretera
    Course start date:  Sat 22 Feb 2025

    Location on this date:  Online

    Tutors:  Óscar Salgado Suárez
    En este curso vamos a conocer algunas de las obras más importantes de Cervantes así como leer y analizar extractos de su obra más famosa “Don Quijote de la Mancha”. Ideal para estudiantes con nivel avanzado de español (si has estudiado al menos durante 4/5 años).

    This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.
    Full fee £59.00 Senior fee £59.00 Concession £38.00
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  8. Spanish 3: diferencias culturales de España: el Levante/el Interior
    Course start date:  Sat 22 Feb 2025

    Location on this date:  Online

    Tutors:  Vanesa Guzman
    Añade a tus estudios de español con este interesante curso que examina las diferencias culturales de España.

    Este curso se enfocará en las diferencias entre 2 grandes regiones: el Levante y el Interior, y te hará descubrir elementos importantes como las Comunidades Autónomas, la ubicación, la geografía, el clima y los paisajes, las costumbres, los monumentos históricos, las lenguas y la gastronomía tradicional.

    Ideal for students who have done 3 or 4 years of Spanish, have studied present and past tenses (B1 level), and are looking to practise more talking and listening skills.

    This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.
    Full fee £49.00 Senior fee £39.00 Concession £32.00
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  9. Spanish 4/5: cuentistas españoles y latinoamericanos – Silvina Ocampo ‘Las invitadas’
    Course start date:  Mon 24 Feb 2025

    Location on this date:  Online

    Tutors:  Óscar Salgado Suárez
    Este curso es para aquellos estudiantes que han estudiado unos cinco años de español y desean obtener un conocimiento más profundo de la lengua y cultura del mundo hispanohablante. En este módulo se leerá y analizará un libro dentro de su contexto histórico.

    This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.

    This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.
    Full fee £129.00 Senior fee £103.00 Concession £84.00
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  10. Creative writing in Spanish
    Course start date:  Tue 25 Feb 2025

    Location on this date:  Online

    Tutors:  Matias Godoy Ronderos
    En este curso interactivo, tendrás la oportunidad de usar el español para escribir microcuentos, y de tener como guía a un profesor que también es autor y traductor publicado. A lo largo de las 5 sesiones, aprenderás como desarrollar una historia corta usando alugnas técnicas empleadas por los escritores para producir una historia interesante y atractiva.

    Este curso es para hispanohablantes y estudiantes que han estudiado español a nivel avanzado (si has estudiado español al menos durante 6 años).

    This course will be delivered in Spanish.

    This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.
    Full fee £129.00 Senior fee £129.00 Concession £84.00
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  11. Return to Spanish (advanced)
    Course start date:  Tue 25 Feb 2025 (and 3 other dates)

    Location on this date:  Keeley Street

    Tutors:  Paula Riofrio
    If you have learned Spanish in the past, but it has been a while, then come and join this lively course to refresh your advanced Spanish. You wil review, revise and practice in a course that is tailored to your needs. After attending this course, you will be able join a level 4 or 5 course in April.
    Full fee £129.00 Senior fee £103.00 Concession £84.00
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  12. Spanish beginners: module 1B
    Course start date:  Tue 25 Feb 2025

    Location on this date:  Keeley Street

    Tutors:  Adriana Itriago Gavidia
    Learn to speak Spanish on this short course for near beginners. Suitable if you have completed Spanish beginners: module 1A or if you have a very basic knowledge of the language (please check course outline for LS107 to see what you should know already).

    Please do not buy the book until after the first session, as if you transfer to another level you might use a different book.
    Full fee £99.00 Senior fee £99.00 Concession £64.00
    80% of 100
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  13. Spanish 4/5: Chile, de Allende a la insurrección de octubre 2019
    Course start date:  Wed 26 Feb 2025

    Location on this date:  Online

    Tutors:  Pilar Villanueva Martinez
    Este curso explora el impacto profundo que tuvo la insurrección de octubre en el 2019, los elementos históricos, políticos y sociales que llevaron el pueblo chileno a sublevarse para conseguir un nuevo futuro, y la expresión cultural diversa que resultó de este movimiento.

    Este curso es para estudiantes con nivel avanzado de español (si has estudiado español al menos durante 5 años).

    This course will be delivered online in Spanish. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in the course details for more information.

    This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.
    Full fee £49.00 Senior fee £49.00 Concession £32.00
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  14. Spanish 3/4: Lorca, Dalí and Buñuel: el arte en tiempos de conflicto
    Course start date:  Sat 1 Mar 2025

    Location on this date:  Online

    Tutors:  Inma Ridao Carlini
    Explora las vidas de estas tres grandes figuras del arte y la cultura española. Descubre la estrecha amistad que los unió en su juventud, reflejada a menudo en su arte y los diferentes caminos que siguieron en sus vidas personales, arte e ideología política al estallar la guerra civil. Este curso es para estudiantes con nivel avanzado de español (si has estudiado español al menos durante 5 años).

    This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.
    Full fee £29.00 Senior fee £23.00 Concession £19.00
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  15. Full fee £239.00 Senior fee £191.00 Concession £155.00
    85% of 100
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