Student newsletter: social issues, news and maths. (entry 3-level 1)

Course Dates: 13/01/25 - 24/03/25
Time: 14:30 - 17:30
Location: Keeley Street
Do you want to organise, write, edit, layout the student newsletter for the Universal Skills department? In this class you will develop all your communication skills and other essential work and life skills such as problem-solving, organisation, decision-making, analysing, paying attention to detail, and digital and computer skills. You will also improve your maths skills when you layout the newsletter, calculate how many to produce, the length and number of articles, word count and so on. You will write and edit articles for the newsletter on issues such as the environment, cost of living and life stories. You will also work on articles from other students and edit and proof-read them, decide which articles to include and so on. And you will also edit a maths section to help other learners improve their number and maths skills.
You need to do a pre-course assessment to make this is the right course for you. Contact / 020 8078 0489 for a face-to-face assessment or click the Start Assessment button on this page. Log on with your email address (not name).

Free course: This is a Multiply course. Multiply is a new government programme to help adults improve their numeracy skills. This course is free for Londoners aged 19 or over. For more information Click here

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Student newsletter: social issues, news and maths. (entry 3-level 1)
This course has started
  • Course Code: AMMNL02
  • Dates: 13/01/25 - 24/03/25
  • Time: 14:30 - 17:30
  • Taught: Mon, Daytime
  • Duration: 9 sessions (over 11 weeks)
  • Location: Keeley Street

Course Code: AMMNL02

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Started Mon, day, 13 Jan - 24 Mar '25

Duration: 9 sessions (over 11 weeks)

Before booking on this course, we'll need you to log in or register with us if you're new. Please then contact us for a chat with our team to check that this course is the right level for you.
Why do I need an advice session?

Please note: We offer a wide variety of financial support to make courses affordable. Just visit our online Help Centre for more information on a range of topics including fees, online learning and FAQs.

What is the course about?

On this course, you with organise, write, edit and layout the student newsletter for the Universal Skills department. You will also write and edit a short section on maths to help other learners develop their number skills. You will also write your own articles and newsletter content plus edit and proof-read articles from other students and decide what to include in the newsletter. By writing and editing articles on topics such as the environment, cost of living and personal life stories, you will improve your vocabulary, grammar, descriptive and informative writing, as well as your organisational skills, decision-making, analysing and teamwork. You will need to work on your maths skills so you can calculate the numbers of articles, copies, layout and presentation of the newsletter, And you will develop your digital skills so you can use templates, formatting and other functions needed to produce a digital newsletter.

What will we cover?

• identifying the key features of a student newsletter
• researching, discussing and writing about important topics such as the cost-of-living crisis, using fractions, percentages and other calculations to improve your finances, shopping tips, online budgeting, the environmental crisis, recycling, climate heating
• researching, discussing and writing about personal life stories and good news stories
• researching, discussing and writing about maths including a section to help other students develop their maths skills
• organising, editing and proof-reading other students' articles and stories
• laying out the newsletter using your digital skills
• choosing the right vocabulary
• punctuating and paragraphing effectively
• listening and responding effectively to feedback.

What will I achieve?
By the end of this course you should be able to...

• identify the key features of a student newsletter
• research, discuss and write about important topics such as the cost-of-living crisis, using fractions, percentages and other calculations to improve your finances, shopping tips, online budgeting, the environmental crisis, recycling, climate heating
•research, discuss and write about personal life stories and good news stories
•research, discuss and write about maths including a section to help other students develop their maths skills
• organise, edit and proof-read other students' articles and stories
• lay out the newsletter using your digital skills
• choose the right vocabulary
• punctuate and paragraph effectively
• listen and respond effectively to feedback.

What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?

This course is for students working towards entry 3-level 1. You will need some confidence in writing but the main skills you need are dedication and determination.

How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside the class?

You will learn in a supportive and welcoming environment with an emphasis on your discovering how to do and complete tasks, with guidance from the tutor. You will work on your own and with other students on different tasks so you are always practising important in-demand life and work skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, prioritising, negotiating, collaborating and independence. You will learn in a step-by-step manner so you can complete challenging tasks in enjoyable and relaxing ways. Your tutor will also work with you individually so you know how to improve and how to work in a way that improves your learning. You will need to do work outside the classroom and use Google Classroom to help you.

Are there any other costs? Is there anything I need to bring?

You will need a pen, paper and a file to keep your work in. Your tutor will provide handouts and a code for Google classroom so you can communicate with classmates and access materials, videos etc. online.

When I've finished, what course can I do next?

There are many courses you can do before, at the same time or after this course. These include:
• Becoming an environmental citizen: how to read, research and understand data (entry 3-level 1)
• English communication and maths skills - for life and work (entry 3)
• Develop your confidence in English: how to express yourself in speaking and writing inside and outside work (entry 3-level 1)
• Workplace communication skills: how to be confident in meetings and in groups (entry 3-level 1)
• English communication skills - for life and work (level 1)
• Workplace communication skills: letters, emails, memos, notes, meetings and presentations (level 1)
• Workplace communication skills: how to write a successful CV and be confident in interviews (entry 3-level 1)
• English communication and maths skills - for life and work (entry 3)
• Develop your confidence in English: how to express yourself in speaking and writing inside and outside work (entry 3-level 1)
• Workplace communication skills: how to be confident in meetings and in groups (entry 3-level 1)
• English communication skills - for life and work (level 1)
• Workplace communication skills: letters, emails, memos, notes, meetings and presentations (level 1)
• Workplace communication skills: how to write a successful CV and be confident in interviews (entry 3-level 1)
• Maths skills for life and work - getting ready for functional skills (foundation 1)
• Maths for life and work (level 1)
• Discover the maths in the world around you: from nature to buildings (entry 3-level 1)

For more information, talk with your tutor or contact / 020 4582 0423.

We’re sorry. We don’t have a bio ready for the tutor of this class at the moment, but we’re working on it! Watch this space.