Textiles: indigo shibori dyeing

Course Dates: 30/05/25 - 13/06/25
Time: 10:30 - 16:30
Location: Keeley Street
Lara Mantell
Produce your own indigo hand dyed fabrics using pleating, stitch and wrapping methods. Explore the magical combination of indigo dye and shibori resist techniques.
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Full fee £249.00 Senior fee £199.00 Concession £162.00

Textiles: indigo shibori dyeing
  • Course Code: VX321
  • Dates: 30/05/25 - 13/06/25
  • Time: 10:30 - 16:30
  • Taught: Fri, Daytime
  • Duration: 3 sessions (over 3 weeks)
  • Location: Keeley Street
  • Tutor: Lara Mantell

Course Code: VX321

Fri, day, 30 May - 13 Jun '25

Duration: 3 sessions (over 3 weeks)

Please note: We offer a wide variety of financial support to make courses affordable. Just visit our online Help Centre for more information on a range of topics including fees, online learning and FAQs.

What is the course about?

Explore the stunning combination of indigo dye and shibori resist techniques. During this workshop you will have the opportunity to produce your own unique indigo hand dyed and patterned fabrics using pleating, stitch and wrapping methods. The workshop will encourage a hands-on approach to create a collection of experimental samples, using indigo. This will be supported by demonstrations, historical and cultural references, and examples of contemporary artists and designers working creatively with indigo and shibori.

What will we cover?

You will learn about the history and properties of indigo, learn how to set up the dye bath and prepare fabric for dying. A variety of shibori methods will be introduced including folding, pleating, clamping, stitched resist, binding and pole wrapping. These are designed to produce patterns and marks which may then be developed into a larger piece, or pieced together into an experimental patchwork. You will be encouraged to research the methods demonstrated and experiment with your own ideas.

What will I achieve?
By the end of this course you should be able to...

All students:
- Prepare an indigo dye bath
- Produce indigo dyed cloth of varied depths through immersion dying
- Add pattern to fabric through stitched resist, folding, clamping and wrapping (shibori)

Students with some experience will also:
- Further explore personal interest and work on a large piece or series.

What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?

Students of all abilities are welcome. Simple techniques and methods are used, and some technical instruction will be provided to achieve a good result. The methods taught will be at a basic level, with an emphasis on learning the indigo dying process, and as a starting point for further personal exploration. You should be able to follow simple written and verbal instructions to support demonstrations, and handouts for health and safety information, and will be invited to take part in group discussion.

How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside the class?

The course will be hands-on, with practical demonstrations and examples to encourage you to think imaginatively. You will start by learning how to make a dye bath and prepare fabric for dyeing. There will be demonstrations and one to one support in developing samples. A range of books and samples will be available to inspire and inform your learning and progress. You will be introduced to the historical and cultural perspective of indigo, and handouts will be available for technical methods.
The use of a sketchbook/notebook to note down methods and references will be encouraged, and any existing interests can be developed further.

Are there any other costs? Is there anything I need to bring?

Basic materials and protective clothing are provided, but you may want to add to this by bringing:
- A collection of fabric scraps, odd sizes and shapes ok –only in natural fibres, (silk, cotton, wool, linen)
- Needles + threads [various threads undyed please]
- Thin cotton string or strong thread
- Rubber bands
- A collection of markers to attach to your samples in the dye bath so you can recognise them – buttons, beads, safety pins, etc
- Your own rubber gloves and / or apron
Please wear old clothes or an overall - it’s messy!

When I've finished, what course can I do next?

City Lit has a range of textile courses for beginners to advanced learners and professional practitioners.
Please browse the website for all other upcoming courses.
General information and advice on courses at City Lit is available from the Student Centre and Library on Monday to Friday from 10:30 – 12:00 then 15:00 – 17:00.

Lara Mantell

Lara is a printed textile designer, with a passion for colour, pattern and mark-making. She holds a degree in Fashion and Textile design from Brighton University, and a PgCert in teaching adults. Lara draws inspiration for her designs from landscapes, gardens and foliage. Her colourful and joyful hand-printed fabrics are lyrical and abstracted representations of this environment. She has sold work to major fashion brands, printed scarfs and hangings, and exhibited her intricately printed designs. Lara uses her eclectic repertoire of print, dye and design knowledge to research contemporary printing with natural dyes. These experimental prints inform and shape her current professional practice. Lara is a founding member of Ceres; an eco- conscious trio who collaborate on environmental and sustainable design projects. Lara enjoys sharing her creative ideas; and is short course tutor at University of the Arts London, West Dean College, and other education venues. At City Lit, she teaches a range of specialist courses that include; shibori and indigo, drawing for textile design, dye techniques, and natural dye printing.

Please note: We reserve the right to change our tutors from those advertised. This happens rarely, but if it does, we are unable to refund fees due to this. Our tutors may have different teaching styles; however we guarantee a consistent quality of teaching in all our courses.