Watercolour painting studio: nature and colour

Course Dates: 09/07/25 - 06/08/25
Time: 10:30 - 16:30
Location: Keeley Street
Sisetta Zappone
Celebrate the glorious colours found in nature by working from observation of natural forms. You will be encouraged to respond to the subject expressively using paint and other colour media to create a number of studies and one or more finished pieces.
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Watercolour painting studio: nature and colour
  • Course Code: VM901
  • Dates: 09/07/25 - 06/08/25
  • Time: 10:30 - 16:30
  • Taught: Wed, Daytime
  • Duration: 5 sessions (over 5 weeks)
  • Location: Keeley Street
  • Tutor: Sisetta Zappone

Course Code: VM901

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Wed, day, 09 Jul - 06 Aug '25

Duration: 5 sessions (over 5 weeks)

Please note: We offer a wide variety of financial support to make courses affordable. Just visit our online Help Centre for more information on a range of topics including fees, online learning and FAQs.

What is the course about?

Learn to experiment with different drawing/painting materials to render nature in colour using oil and soft pastels, gouache and watercolour. Following an introduction to colour theory, you will be encouraged to make quick sketches which can then be developed into more sustained and multilayered textured images.

What will we cover?

• The use of different textured drawing papers and prepared textured surfaces for drawing /painting.
• The researching of natural objects - one session during the course will be offsite to a museum or a park
• How to explore and experiment with different mark making and create textures with pastels, gouache, inks and watercolour.
• Introduction to colour mixing in different mediums.

What will I achieve?
By the end of this course you should be able to...

• Use drawing/ painting materials more confidently.

• Develop images from nature to create sustained /quick sketches in a given time frame

• Have a knowledge of different papers for drawing/painting and know how to prepare different surfaces for image making

• Understanding the potential of mark making and colour mixing with pastels, inks, gouache and watercolour in relation to natural objects.

What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?

All levels - for beginners and improvers - No experience is necessary.

How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside the class?

Explanation and demonstration. An off-site sketching visit. Images of artists’ work where referenced as examples. Practical work. One-to-one discussion. Informal group discussion.

Are there any other costs? Is there anything I need to bring?

You will need to bring a sketchbook, A4 or A3 for the off-site visit. All other basic materials will be provided.

When I've finished, what course can I do next?

You may wish to continue to develop your work in watercolour by enrolling on the courses below:
Watercolour: cityscapes on location
Watercolour: cityscapes themes and ideas
Watercolour: developing your skills
Watercolour: intermediate
Watercolour: intermediate and advanced
Watercolour: life painting for beginners
Watercolour: life painting themes and ideas.

We’re sorry. We don’t have a bio ready for the tutor of this class at the moment, but we’re working on it! Watch this space.