French 3 lower at a gentle pace: module 1

Course Dates: 26/09/24 - 05/12/24
Time: 12:15 - 14:00
Location: Keeley Street
Do you want to continue learning French but worried that you might not be able to keep up? Our French at a gentle pace courses are designed to cover the same material as our standard French courses, but at a slightly slower pace, and with more opportunities for revision built in.
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French 3 lower at a gentle pace: module 1
  • Course Code: LF151
  • Dates: 26/09/24 - 05/12/24
  • Time: 12:15 - 14:00
  • Taught: Thu, Daytime
  • Duration: 11 sessions (over 11 weeks)
  • Location: Keeley Street
  • Tutor: Yolande Mallet De Chauny

Course Code: LF151

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Thu, day, 26 Sep - 05 Dec '24

Duration: 11 sessions (over 11 weeks)

Please note: We offer a wide variety of financial support to make courses affordable. Just visit our online Help Centre for more information on a range of topics including fees, online learning and FAQs.

What is the course about?

This course aims to further improve your intermediate French, at a slower pace. You will build up your confidence by learning the language gradually with the emphasis on speaking and listening. You will move from basic language skills towards fluency and the course will give you a greater insight into French speaking culture.

What will we cover?

Topics: Holidays( past- plans-organising); musical tastes; lifestyles

Language points: pronouns(revision); imparfait vs passé composé(revision); plus-que-parfait; past infinitive; conditional present; adverbs( revision)

Culture: Matisse & Gauguin; peace through music; superstitions in the French speaking world.

What will I achieve?
By the end of this course you should be able to...

- talk about the past using a range a past tenses more accurately
- use pronouns more accurately
- express opinions and tastes on various topics
- have a wider range of vocabulary
- structure more complex sentences to share ideas and opinions with others

Please note that the learning outcomes may vary depending on the general progress made by the students.

What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?

You should have completed French 2 upper at a gentle pace module 3 or have done 3 years of French recently.
If you are not sure about your level, please contact Languages on or check our level assessment chart on:
In order to join the course, you should be able to do the following:
- exchange ideas about your work-life pattern
- exchange ideas about the work environment
- exchange ideas about conflicts at work and how to resolve them
- express yourself with a greater level of accuracy and fluency.

How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside the class?

This course offers a friendly and relaxed atmosphere which will enable you to learn at your own pace. Your tutor will use a range of teaching strategies to ensure that you gradually build up your confidence in speaking and listening. Throughout the course, you will receive learning tips on how to speak in groups more effectively and independently (without relying on your notes). You will practise listening to spoken language in ways that will maximise your understanding. There will be activities and advice to help you retain vocabulary.
Homework is highly recommended to consolidate learning.

Are there any other costs? Is there anything I need to bring?

The course is based on the coursebook Entre Nous 3 (ISBN 978-84-16657-80-3) units 1-2-3. Please note that you may not complete all the activities in the book. We suggest that you do not purchase the coursebook until after the first class.

When I've finished, what course can I do next?

French 3 lower at a gentle pace: module 2. Please enrol as soon as possible as places cannot be guaranteed. If you are unsure about what to do next, please ask your tutor for advice.

We’re sorry. We don’t have a bio ready for the tutor of this class at the moment, but we’re working on it! Watch this space.