What can our stammering therapy courses do for you? Read the evidence
The quality and effectiveness of our service are measured and monitored in a number of ways. These are summarized below.
Outcome Measurement
A retrospective study of participants who completed a course in stammering therapy at City Lit was recently carried out. Measures taken at the beginning and end of therapy included the following:
1) The Wright and Ayre Stuttering Self-Rating Profile (Wright and Ayre 2000)
A 26-statement standardized self-perception scale across 5 subscales as follows:
- stammering behavior
- thoughts about stammering
- feelings about stammering
- avoidance due to stammering
- disadvantage due to stammering
2) The S24 assessment (Andrews and Cutler 1974)
A standardized self report scale consisting of 24 statements relating to communication attitudes.
3) SSI-4 Stuttering Severity Instrument Version 3 (Riley 2009)
An objective standardized assessment of stammering severity which measures % syllables stammered, the duration of stammered syllables and physical concomitant behaviours.
Independent statistical analysis was conducted on before and after data collected from 200 participants for (1) and (2) above. Video recordings of speech before and after the course were analyzed using the SSI-4 (3) for 33 participants who attended intensive courses.
The main findings are summarized below.
Statistically significant improvements in speech. This includes a reduction in the duration and frequency of stammering as measured on objective assessment (3) and by the person who stammers’ perception (1).
Statistically significant reduction in secondary characteristics often associated with stammering, such as involuntary orofacial movements (1,3), fast rate of speech (1) or loss of eye contact (1).
Statistically significant reduction in levels of avoidance leading to increased participation in speaking situations that were previously avoided (1) or reduced avoidance of words (1).
Statistically significant reduction in negative thoughts and feelings about stammering (1), and positive changes in communication attitude (2) reflecting positive changes in well-being.
Stammering rated as less of an obstacle in work, study, social and home life. This was also statistically significant (1).
Full data analysis of (1), (2) and (3) are available on request
Student Feedback and Engagement
High satisfaction rates among students
72% rated their course as excellent. *
28% rated their course as good. *
*data from all stammering courses in academic year 2014-15
User Group
We have a Mentors Group made up of previous and current participants. Mentors support new and/or prospective participants. Additionally, we run focus groups to elicit feedback and ideas from our service users.
Quotes from our students
“ The opportunity to learn how, why, when I stutter and to understand techniques that enable me to control it - a fantastic course!”
“ The course was truly a life changing experience and I would recommend it unreservedly to anyone serious about changing their speech”
Andrews G and Cutler J (1974), S-24 Scale - Stuttering therapy: the relations between changes in symptom level and attitudes. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 39, 312-319
Wright L and Ayre A (2000), WASSP: the Wright and Ayre Stuttering Self-Rating Profile, Winslow Press
Riley, 2009. Stuttering Severity Instrument for Children and Adults – Fourth Edition. Pro-Ed, Austin
See for yourself
Listen to one of our students talk about the course he attended