Creative image editing with Photoshop and Lightroom

Course Dates: 28/02/25 - 28/03/25
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Location: Kean Street Photography Studio
Michael Harding
Learn how to use and apply the key features of Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop to develop your image editing skills.
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Full fee £229.00 Senior fee £183.00 Concession £149.00
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Creative image editing with Photoshop and Lightroom
  • Course Code: VY771
  • Dates: 28/02/25 - 28/03/25
  • Time: 18:00 - 21:00
  • Taught: Fri, Evening
  • Duration: 5 sessions (over 5 weeks)
  • Location: Kean Street Photography Studio
  • Tutor: Michael Harding

Course Code: VY771

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Fri, eve, 28 Feb - 28 Mar '25

Duration: 5 sessions (over 5 weeks)

Please note: We offer a wide variety of financial support to make courses affordable. Just visit our online Help Centre for more information on a range of topics including fees, online learning and FAQs.

What is the course about?

This course will teach you the key features of both Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop and how to use them together to create an image catalogue and edit your images. Essential skills will be introduced and practiced, working towards a greater understanding of the main features of the programs appropriate for a photographer’s workflow and requirements. This practical studio course will introduce you to the Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom workspaces, gaining essential skills and knowledge in colour and contrast adjustments, retouching images and use of layers. Produce professional-looking images in minutes.

What will we cover?

- Importing images onto the computer and making a Lightroom Catalogue
- Rating and sorting images
- Saving images and file formats
- Making colour and tonal adjustments
- Work with layers.

What will I achieve?
By the end of this course you should be able to...

- Import your images to a computer and create an image catalogue
- Store your images in a planned and accessible manner
- Manipulate and edit images using a variety of Lightroom and Photoshop Tools
- Select and edit specific areas of an image
- Recognise which program to use for the most efficient and dramatic results.

What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?

No prior knowledge of Photoshop or Lightroom is required, but you will need to know how to use a computer for word processing. We will be working on Apple Mac computers; if you are new to using these you might find our course ‘An introduction to Apple computers’ that runs each term useful. Once launched, Lightroom and Photoshop are almost identical when running on either a Mac or PC.
You should be able to follow simple written and verbal instructions, demonstrations, hand-outs and health and safety information, and be prepared take part in group discussion. You should be happy using numbers and able to do simple measurements and calculations.
The course also uses Google Classroom (an online teaching resource) for you to share comments with your class, download course material and upload images for group crits as appropriate to the course.

Google classroom login help

How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside the class?

You will be taught using a range of techniques including workshops, short lectures, demonstrations, and by completing group and individual practical exercises on a provided computer. You are welcome to bring your own laptop if you already have Adobe CC installed but do not bring it for the first two sessions, you will need to practice creating Lightroom Catalogues and basic navigation etc.on City Lit computers. Preparation and practice outside class times is encouraged. Notes will be provided.
When you enrol on a course at the City Lit, you are entitled to student discount on Adobe Creative Cloud
Please see the link below:

Please note:
- You will need to create an Adobe account using your City Lit email address which includes your student number. (This is in the format
- You can access your City Lit email through your supplied Office 365 account.
- When your course finishes and you no longer have access to your student email, the software will continue to function on the installed machine for the remainder of the annual subscription.
- At renewal, you will need to create another Adobe account using your personal email.
- The Adobe account is not accessible to City Lit and technical support is extremely limited as a result.
- It is recommended that you do not use the online storage available on Adobe accounts as access to your work is subject to the continuation of your subscription.
- Adobe sales can be contacted on 0800-028-0148.
Adobe Creative Cloud for Students
Adobe Creative Cloud for Students - system requirements.

Are there any other costs? Is there anything I need to bring?

There are no other costs. Notes are provided and advice will be given on using the internet as a resource. You may wish to bring some of your own images on a memory stick. You will be provided with images for the first session.

When I've finished, what course can I do next?

City Lit runs a number of other Photoshop courses if you want to develop your skills on the program further. We also offer a huge range of different photography courses, from wedding or wildlife photography to darkroom workshops.
Alternatively you may be interested in further developing your digital image skills in courses such as InDesign or Illustrator. Browse the website to get inspired.

Michael Harding Tutor Website

Michael Harding was born in Canada, where he studied cinema and photography at Concordia University, Montréal, before moving to the UK. Since then, he has created striking images of architecture, art, people and landscapes for international blue-chip clients for their use in editorial, advertising and corporate applications. Michael’s work has won many industry awards, notably being selected in the Eleventh Association of Photographers Awards and further receiving a Merit Award in the Seventeenth Association of Photographers Awards. His work was selected for a Highly Commended Award in the Deutsche Bauzeitung “Visions in Architecture” European Architectural Photography prize. His work has been exhibited in both the United Kingdom and Canada. Michael has been Chairman, as well as President, of the Association of Photographers (AOP). The AOP is Europe’s most established organisation for professional photographers, working to ensure greater recognition for all professional photographers, as well as working to positively influence legislators in the UK and Europe for the benefit of all photographers.

Please note: We reserve the right to change our tutors from those advertised. This happens rarely, but if it does, we are unable to refund fees due to this. Our tutors may have different teaching styles; however we guarantee a consistent quality of teaching in all our courses.