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- 0.4 Visual Arts Administrator
- Belinda: Continues to improve her career path
- Lisa, City Lit lipreading student
- Patrick Gilmore: I’ve learned to manage my stutter thanks to City Lit
- 15% Off Cyber Weekend - Terms and Conditions
- 2022 Programme - Mental Wealth Festival
- 2022 Speakers
- 2023 Speakers
- 2024 Programme - Mental Wealth Festival
- 2024 Speakers
- 4.48 Psychosis by Definitely Theatre
- About Art and design
- About Classical Languages
- About Deaf Education at City Lit
- About Drama
- About Essential skills
- About Health and Wellbeing
- About history, culture & writing
- About music courses
- About performing arts
- About Photography
- About Specialist learning
- About Speech Therapy
- About stammering
- About Technology, science & business
- About the Centre for Learning Disabilities Education
- About Us
- Access course at partner Fircroft college in Birmingham
- Access to Higher Education Diploma: Humanities and Social Science
- Accessibility
- Accessibility - Keeley Street
- Advice on which course to join
- AI & Technology courses
- Andrea Levy
- Anna Burns
- Aphasia courses
- Arabic regional dialects offer
- Art and design foundation diploma
- Art and Design: student success stories
- Art History tutors at City Lit
- Artist Talks
- Assessing your training needs
- August bank holiday offer 2020
- Award in education and training
- Awards
- Bank Holiday Offer
- Baroness Sheila Hollins
- Between the Lines
- Bonnie Greer OBE
- Bookbinding Studio
- Care work and support
- Career Opportunities
- Carole Stott MBE
- Celtic Day 2022 — Programme of Events
- Centre for Learning Disabilities Education student stories
- Choosing the right course
- Choosing your level
- City Lit - Adult Education, Short Courses Online & in London
- City Lit Art School - Summer Shows 2019
- City Lit Community Day - Mental Wealth Festival 2019
- City Lit Fellows
- City Lit Flicks Film and Animation Festival
- City Lit Gallery
- City Lit Governing Body Minutes December 2020
- City Lit Governing Body Minutes October 2020
- City Lit Governors Code of Conduct
- City Lit has recently benefited from a bequest from the Estate of Lisa Pontecorvo
- City Lit open days
- City Lit response to Industrial Strategy Proposals
- City Lit Skills and Employability Fair
- City Lit Speech Therapy Centre - Testimonials
- City Lit Summer School
- City Lit's summer of poetry
- Classics Day
- Classics Day 2019: Festivals and celebrations in the ancient world
- Classics Week 2022
- Classics Week Keynote Speakers 2021
- Concerts & Recitals
- Connections in the ancient Mediterranean world
- Contact our Deaf Education Team
- Contact our Speech Therapy Team
- Continuous professional development for teachers
- Course progress records
- Courses in Greenwich
- Creative and non-fiction writing: our tutors' recent accomplishments
- Creative and non-fiction writing: student success stories
- Dame Esther Rantzen
- Deaf Awareness and BSL Training
- Deaf Day
- Deaf Day - 14 April 2018
- Death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
- Department Head -3D Design
- Digital & Design Lab and 3D Printing Studio
- Discount ended
- Display
- Drama audition tips
- Dreamed it. Did it.
- Ed Balls
- Education Bookings with Deaf Access & Interpreting
- Evelyn Glennie
- Events
- Executive Team
- Expectations for participating in writing courses at City Lit
- Fire evacuation
- Force for Good
- Formative assessment
- Francesca Martinez
- Free Courses in London - Maths, English & Digital Literacy
- Frequently Asked Questions for City Lit Stammering Therapy Classes
- Friday - Mental Wealth Festival 2024
- Gary Bourlet
- GB Minutes 10 March 2020
- GB Minutes 17 March 2020
- GB Minutes 3 April 2020
- GB Minutes December 2018
- GB Minutes December 2019
- GB Minutes July 2019
- GB Minutes July 2020
- GB Minutes July 2021
- GB Minutes March 2019
- GB Minutes March 2021
- GB Minutes May 2019
- GB Minutes May 2020
- GB Minutes May 2021
- GB Minutes October 2018
- GB Minutes October 2019
- GB Minutes October 2021
- Gender pay gap reports
- Gillian Anderson OBE
- Governing Body Meetings
- Governors
- Grayson Perry CBE
- Great value for money
- Grow London
- Guide to online learning at City Lit
- Health check list
- HearMyLips Booklet
- History
- Homepage-test
- How your gift helps
- HRH The Princess Royal
- ICT and Digital Acceptance Use Policy Feb 22
- Information for deaf students
- Information for disability advisors or assessors
- Initial assessment
- International Women's Day
- Jeremy Swain
- Jewellery Studio
- Job descriptions
- John Lyon's Theatre
- Kean Street Photography Studio
- Languages: Self-assess your level
- Late Lines
- Learn in the centre of London
- Learning and teaching class visits
- Leave a legacy
- Leaving a legacy: frequently asked questions
- Lord David Puttnam
- Lulu
- Malorie Blackman OBE
- Malorie Blackman Scholarships
- Massage and bodywork
- Meet our languages tutors - videos
- Meet the Speech Therapy team
- Mental Wealth Festival
- Mental Wealth Festival 2015
- Mental Wealth Festival 2016
- Mental Wealth Festival 2017
- Mental Wealth Festival 2018
- Mental Wealth Festival 2019
- Mental Wealth Festival 2020
- Mental Wealth Festival 2021
- Mental Wealth Festival 2022
- Mental Wealth Festival Archives
- Minutes of the Governing Body
- Monday - Mental Wealth Festival 2023
- Multiply | Skills for Life
- Munira Mirza
- Music auditions and advice
- Music practice rooms
- News
- Nick Boles MP
- Nick Stuart CB
- Our approach for people who stammer
- Our Campus and Facilties
- Our centenary
- Our Promise to you
- Page 2 - Classics Day
- Panel Discussion Recordings - Mental Wealth Festival 2020
- Panel Discussions - Mental Wealth Festival 2023
- Partners 2019
- Partners 2020
- Partners 2021
- Passion to Profession
- Passion to Profession
- Paul Farmer
- Percussion Orchestra with Royal Academy of Music
- Performances & Podcasts
- Photography student progression stories
- Policies and key documents
- Press enquiries
- Printmaking Studio
- Privacy Policy Update Apr 2022
- Professor Mary Beard
- Programme of events — Deaf Day 2024
- Recommended art suppliers
- Recommended bookshops
- Reels
- Refer A friend
- Rob: The opportunity came up - so I went for it!
- Ruby Wax OBE
- Ruby Wax to talk at Mental Wealth Festival
- Saturday - Mental Wealth Festival 2024
- Schemes of Work and Lesson Plans
- Sir Antony Gormley OBE
- Sir Jonathan Miller CBE
- Sir Kenneth Olisa OBE
- Speakers 2018
- Speakers 2019
- Speakers 2020
- Speakers 2021
- Speech therapy videos
- Sponsor a seat
- Sponsors — Deaf Day 2024
- Staff access
- Staff information on major incidents
- Staff resources
- Student cards and discounts
- Student information
- Student stories
- Student Success Stories
- Student Work - Advanced Art & Design at City Lit
- Student Work - UAL Art Foundation at City Lit
- Summative assessment
- Support Us
- Suzy - I'm fulfilling my dream to be an actor
- Taster Sessions - Mental Wealth Festival 2024
- Teacher education and development
- Teacher resources
- Teacher resources
- Teacher training courses at City Lit
- Teachers' toolkit
- Teaching and learning class visits
- Teaching and Learning Newsletter Archive
- Testimonials - John Lyon's Theatre
- The biggest choice of short courses in London
- The City Lit School of Languages
- The Deaf Access and Interpreting team
- The Rt Hon Damian Hinds MP
- The Rt Hon Sir Vince Cable
- The Rt Hon. David Lammy MP
- Thought of the day - Mental Wealth Festival 2020
- Thursday - Mental Wealth Festival 2024
- Tips for people who stammer
- Training for NHS staff
- Training for speech and language therapists
- Tube Strike
- Tuesday - Mental Wealth Festival 2023
- Under 30's offer
- Weather Update
- Wednesday - Mental Wealth Festival 2023
- Welcome to the photography department
- Wellbeing Centre
- What can our stammering therapy courses do for you? Read the evidence
- Which course is right for me?
- Which level to choose
- Whisteblowing Policy Jan 22
- Why City Lit?
- Writing Courses Offer- August 2022
- 'You Must Change Your Life': why Rilke matters
- A history of modern art in 50 works
- A history of piano music
- A taste of philosophy
- Accents: North American standard and regional
- Acceptance and commitment therapy for speech and language therapists
- Access to HE diploma: humanities and social science (evenings)
- Acting Diploma (Level 3)
- Acting for fun
- Acting: beginners
- Acting: improvers
- Adobe Illustrator: stage 1
- Adobe Photoshop: stage 1
- Adobe Photoshop: stage 2
- Advanced autobiographical writing
- Advanced creative non-fiction workshop
- Advanced creative non-fiction: turning experience into art
- Advanced massage using sports massage techniques
- Advanced visual communications: where is the truth?
- Advancing your practice for speech and language therapists
- Alexander Technique: introduction
- Alexander technique: workshop
- Algorithms in Python
- American political institutions
- An introduction to Jainism
- An introduction to project management
- Anatomical life and portrait drawing
- Anatomy and physiology: access to level 3
- Anatomy and physiology: an introduction
- Anatomy and physiology: workshop
- Appraising jewellery and gemstones
- Arabic 2 lower: module 1
- Arabic 2 upper: module 1
- Arabic 3 lower: module 1
- Arabic beginners: module 1
- Archaeology of London
- Art and architecture of ancient India
- Art and design portfolio projects
- Art and identity: from the High Renaissance to the Reformation
- Art Deco London walk
- Art in Britain 1890-1918 – New English Art Club to WWI
- Art in the 1920s and 1930s: Western art between the wars
- Art in theory: What is creativity?
- Art of the Northern Renaissance
- Art workshop (for people with learning difficulties)
- Artist's book club
- Arts and Crafts of Hampstead Garden Suburb: a guided walk
- Arts of the empire-builders: Timurids, Safavids and Mughals
- Assertiveness
- Assertiveness and hearing loss
- Audition ready
- Autobiographical writing
- Award in education and training (City & Guilds 6502) - blended
- Award in education and training for lipreading teachers
- Ballet at the barre
- Ballet pointe: beginners
- Basketry techniques for contemporary craft makers
- Basketry: weaving in willow
- Beat writer’s block
- Become more lipreadable
- Beginners' bookbinding
- Beginners' jewellery I
- Beginners' jewellery II
- Beginners' jewellery III
- Beginning miniature bookbinding
- Biblical Hebrew 1: module 3
- Biblical Hebrew 2: module 1
- Biblical Hebrew 2: module 2
- Biblical Hebrew 3: module 1
- Biblical Hebrew 3: module 2
- Biography writing
- Bollywood: beginners
- Book arts drop-in
- Book conservation and repair: paper and cloth-bound books
- Book conservation and repair: vellum-bound books
- Bookbinding improvers’ workshop
- Bookbinding: box making
- Bookbinding: experiments in paper folding
- Bookbinding: Japanese books and boxes
- Bookbinding: learn to bind artists' books
- BSL intensive fingerspelling practice
- BSL level 1
- BSL level 1 for Deaf people
- BSL level 2 for Deaf people
- BSL practice for Deaf people
- Business skills for creative businesses
- Calligraphy and illumination
- Calligraphy for beginners
- Carving in wood or stone
- Cello 1B
- Cello 1C
- Cello 2A
- Cello 2B
- Cello 2C
- Cello advanced workshop
- Cello workshop
- Ceramics on Sunday
- Ceramics: architectural slab construction
- Ceramics: surface decoration on clay
- Ceramics: throwing and assemblage
- Ceramics: throwing and decoration
- Chakra balancing: taster workshop
- Chamber music: advanced
- Chamber music: intermediate
- Chess for beginners
- Chess for improvers
- Chi Kung five elements: moving from the centre: all levels
- Chinese 2 lower: module 1
- Chinese 2 upper: module 1
- Chinese 3 lower: module 1
- Chinese 3 upper: module 1
- Chinese 4/5: module 1
- Chinese 4: module 1
- Chinese beginners: module 1
- Chinese: writing for beginners
- Choir at lunchtime
- Choral singing for pleasure
- City Lit a cappella
- City Lit Advanced textile art course
- City Lit basketry course: advanced
- City Lit beginners' jewellery
- City Lit bookbinding: intermediate
- City Lit ceramics
- City Lit ceramics workshop
- City Lit contemporary jewellery
- City Lit evening reading group
- City Lit gift vouchers - the perfect gift
- City Lit photography course
- City Lit Pro: Adobe Illustrator intensive
- City Lit Pro: Adobe InDesign intensive
- City Lit Pro: search engine marketing
- City Lit Pro: start a career in digital marketing
- City Lit reading group 1
- City Lit reading group 2
- City Lit textiles: mixed media
- City of words: further adventures
- City of words: London's literary landscape
- Clarinet 1A
- Clarinet 1B
- Clarinet 2A
- Clarinet 2B
- Clarinet 2C
- Clarinet 3A
- Clarinet 3B
- Clarinet 3C
- Clarinet advanced workshop
- Classical ballet: improvers
- Classical ballet: improvers 1
- Classical guitar 1A
- Classical guitar 1B
- Classical guitar 2B
- Classical guitar 3B
- Clay sculpture: life and portrait
- Clay sculpture: portrait head
- Clothes making II
- Clothes making III
- Coaching and developing others
- Cole Porter: I get a kick out of you
- Colour therapy: taster workshop
- Combining voice and Pilates
- Comedy sketch writing
- Communicate with confidence through voice and body language
- Communicating effectively at work
- Communication with older people with a hearing loss
- Composition techniques
- Contemporary art in London
- Contemporary art photography
- Contemporary dance: beginners
- Contemporary dance: improvers
- Contemporary practice: personal project
- Contemporary willow basketry
- Copywriting
- Cornish advanced: module 1
- Counselling as a career
- Counselling skills for recently qualified speech and language therapists
- Craft focus: character in fiction
- Craft focus: grammar, syntax, and style for creative writers
- Craft focus: how to edit your novel
- Craft focus: introduction to novel plotting
- Craft focus: mastering descriptive language
- Craft focus: narrative time in fiction
- Create a short film in a day
- Create your first poetry collection
- Creating your author platform online
- Creative arts for bookbinding I: decorative paper techniques
- Creative arts for bookbinding II: leather dyeing techniques
- Creative nature writing
- Creative non-fiction: a taster
- Crochet for improvers
- Cross-cultural psychology
- Current affairs
- Cut, stab and etch: printmaking with linocuts
- Dance 60+
- Dance 60+ performance
- Danish beginners: module 1
- Danish beginners: module 2
- Dante's Divine Comedy: an introduction
- Data Analytics with Python: introduction
- Deaf history part 1
- Deaf history part 2
- Deaf history: one-day course
- Debating: beginners
- Debating: improvers
- Debating: intensive
- Deep tissue massage: a CPD workshop
- Demons and dioramas: Day of the Dead papier mâché sculpture
- Design with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
- Design with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign
- Design your own garden
- Develop your jewellery design and making
- Developing a marketing strategy
- Developing a successful business plan
- Developing your fairytale
- Developing your novel
- Developing your playwriting
- Developing your poetry
- Developing your screenwriting
- Dickens' London
- Directing theatre (intensive)
- Directing theatre: beginners
- Directing theatre: improvers
- Discover Music
- Discovering Victorian London: empire, enterprise and education
- Drama therapy
- Drama therapy: intermediate
- Drawing into painting
- Drawing: focus on space and depth
- Drumming 1A
- Drumming 1B
- Drumming: advanced
- DSLR for video: shoot and edit
- Dutch 2: module 1
- Dutch 2: module 2
- Earth's six major mass extinctions: an introduction
- Effective counselling skills for speech and language therapists
- English Functional Skills (Level 1)
- English pronunciation: stage 1
- English pronunciation: stage 2
- English pronunciation: stage 3
- Enhance your impact and presence
- Essenian Healing: workshop
- Essential digital skills for work (Level 1)
- Excel: advanced
- Excel: analysing data (stage 1)
- Excel: analysing data (stage 2)
- Excel: expert
- Excel: tables and charts
- Excel: tricks and tips for productivity
- Experimental sculpture in plaster and clay
- Explore your creativity
- Exploring classical music: module 1
- Exploring classical music: module 2
- Exploring classical music: module 3
- Exploring the quantum world
- Extended drawing for artists and makers
- Facebook for business
- Feldenkrais: awareness through movement
- Feldenkrais: walking with ease
- Film studies taster
- Film technique and style: visions of light
- Flamenco: beginners
- Flamenco: taster
- Floor barre: general level
- Flush setting for jewellery makers
- Flute 1B
- Flute and clarinet choir
- Flute: intermediate
- Focus on: Hopper
- Focus on: iconography
- Focus on: Van Gogh
- Folk and pop guitar 1A
- Folk and pop guitar 1B
- Folk and pop guitar 2A
- Folk and pop guitar 2B
- Folk and pop guitar 3B
- Folk and pop guitar: advanced
- Freelance writing and blogging
- French 2 upper at a gentle pace: module 2
- French 2 upper: module 1
- French 2 upper: module 2
- French 3 upper: module 1
- French 3 upper: module 2
- French 3/4: improve your pronunciation
- French 4 at a gentle pace: module 1
- French 4 at a gentle pace: module 2
- French 4 pratique et perfectionnement: module 1
- French 4 pratique et perfectionnement: module 2
- French 4/5 pratique et perfectionnement: module 2
- French 4: conversation
- French 4: small group conversation
- French 5: faits d'actualité
- French 5: langue et culture
- French 5: littérature française contemporaine
- French 5: mosaïques
- French 5: reading group
- French beginners: module 1
- French beginners: module 2
- French DALF C1
- French DALF C2
- French DELF B2
- Friday lates: Poster art – print, pop and propaganda
- Geology and London
- Geometric Jewellery: 2D to 3D
- German 2 lower: module 1
- German 2 upper: module 1
- German 2: revive your German
- German 3 lower: module 1
- German 3 lower: module 2
- German 3 upper: module 1
- German 3 upper: module 2
- German 4
- German 4/5
- German beginners intensive: module 1 + 2
- German Idealism from Kant to Hegel: the beginnings of continental philosophy
- Get ready for Latin 2
- Get together and read
- Getting away with murder: how to write crime fiction
- Getting ready for English Functional Skills (level 1)
- Getting ready for English Functional Skills (level 2)
- Getting ready for maths functional skills (level 1)
- Grammar for ancient languages: an introduction
- Grammar in practice: advanced (level 2+)
- Grammar in practice: upper intermediate (level 1-2)
- Group facilitation
- Grow in confidence with networking - for work and business
- Hand knitting for beginners
- Hand knitting for improvers
- Hand stitched textiles: Indian influence
- Handel: the late oratorios
- Hindi beginners: module 1
- Holistic massage: taster workshop
- How to get an agent
- How to read a film: a beginners' guide to cinema
- How to spark your creative writing
- How to write a novel
- How to write a short story
- HTML5 & CSS: intermediate (stage 2)
- HTML5 & CSS: introduction (stage 1)
- Hungarian 2: module 1
- Hungarian beginners: module 1
- Hungarian beginners: module 2
- Ikigai: the Japanese secret to a long and happy life
- Illustrated stitch: a masterclass with Rosie James
- Improve your speaking voice
- Improvisation
- Improvisation workshop
- In depth: early Renaissance
- In the footsteps of London's rebels
- Indian Head massage: taster workshop
- Indian head massage: workshop
- Instagram for business: intermediate
- Instagram for business: introduction
- Instagram: a short introduction
- Intensive throwing week
- Intensive throwing week: beginners and refreshers
- Interiorised stammering
- Intermediate handbuilding
- Intermediate Python
- Introduction to acting
- Introduction to art history
- Introduction to artificial intelligence
- Introduction to AutoCAD 2D
- Introduction to basketry
- Introduction to beaded jewellery
- Introduction to blogging with WordPress
- Introduction to BSL
- Introduction to business accounting
- Introduction to C++
- Introduction to casting and mould making
- Introduction to Cloud computing
- Introduction to cyber security essentials
- Introduction to email marketing with MailChimp
- Introduction to engraving
- Introduction to etching for jewellers
- Introduction to geology
- Introduction to Islam: historical emergence, current issues
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Introduction to life drawing and painting
- Introduction to machine learning
- Introduction to mindfulness for speech and language therapists
- Introduction to moral philosophy
- Introduction to musicals
- Introduction to oil painting
- Introduction to painting portraits
- Introduction to painting still-life
- Introduction to philosophy
- Introduction to political philosophy
- Introduction to psychodynamic counselling
- Introduction to quilting
- Introduction to Robotics
- Introduction to sculpture
- Introduction to SQL and Microsoft SQL Server
- Introduction to stone setting: casting with stones
- Introduction to stone setting: flush and gypsy setting
- Introduction to stone setting: raised grain setting
- Introduction to Tate Britain
- Introduction to Tate Modern
- Introduction to the orchestra
- Introduction to the Wallace Collection
- Irish Gaelic 2: module 1
- Irish Gaelic 2: module 2
- Irish Gaelic 3: module 1
- Irish Gaelic 3: module 2
- Irish Gaelic beginners: module 1
- Italian 2 lower: module 1
- Italian 2 lower: module 2
- Italian 2 upper: module 2
- Italian 2: practise and consolidate: module 1
- Italian 2: practise and consolidate: module 2
- Italian 3 lower: module 2
- Italian 3 upper: module 1
- Italian 3 upper: module 2
- Italian 3/4: module 1
- Italian 3/4: module 2
- Italian 3: lingua e letteratura
- Italian 3: practise and consolidate: module 1
- Italian 3: practise and consolidate: module 2
- Italian 4 pratica e perfezionamento: module 1
- Italian 4 pratica e perfezionamento: module 2
- Italian 4: lingua e letteratura
- Italian 4: module 1
- Italian 5: lingua e letteratura
- Italian A Level
- Italian beginners: module 1
- Italian beginners: module 2
- Italian GCSE
- Italian rapidamente: module 1
- Italian rapidamente: module 2
- Italian taster
- ITEC Level 2 Award in providing Facial Skincare (adults 21+)
- ITEC Level 3 Award in Indian Head Massage
- ITEC Level 3 Certificate in Lymphatic drainage massage
- ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Massage
- ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Massage: fast-track
- ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Reflexology: fast-track
- ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Sports Massage Therapy
- ITEC Level 4 Certificate in Sports Massage Therapy
- Japanese 2 lower: module 1
- Japanese 2 upper: module 1
- Japanese 2 upper: module 2
- Japanese 3 lower: module 1
- Japanese 3 lower: module 2
- Japanese 3 upper: module 1
- Japanese 3 upper: module 2
- Japanese 4/5: module 1
- Japanese 4: module 1
- Japanese 4: module 2
- Japanese beginners: module 1
- Japanese calligraphy
- Japanese etiquette
- Japanese festivals
- Japanese: jump into year 2
- Jazz crooning
- Jazz dance: beginners
- Jazz harmony, ear training and ensembles: advanced
- Jazz harmony, ear training and ensembles: intermediate
- Jazz piano 2
- Jazz piano 3
- Jazz today
- Jewellery making: cold connections
- Jewellery: design lab
- Jewellery: soldering workshop
- Jewellery: stone setting I
- Jewellery: stone setting III
- Jewellery: understanding rubies, sapphires and emeralds
- Joke writing
- Journal inspiration: creative approaches to writing about your life
- Jump start your play
- Knotting and stringing for beads and pearls
- Korean beginners: module 1
- Large-scale drawing and painting
- Latin 1: module 1
- Latin 1: module 2
- Latin 2: module 1
- Latin 2: module 2
- Latin 2: module 3
- Latin 3: module 1
- Latin 3: module 2
- Latin 4 lower: module 1
- Latin 4 lower: module 2
- Latin 4 upper: module 1
- Latin 5
- Latin 5 advanced: poetry group
- Latin inscriptions: the basics
- Learn English - learn about London (entry 2-entry 3)
- Learning to use your smartphone (Android)
- Life coaching: GROW model
- Life drawing: experimental approaches
- Life figurative sculpture intensive
- Life in Anglo-Saxon England
- Light weights for everyday strength
- LinkedIn: a detailed introduction
- Lipreading and managing hearing loss: advanced
- Lipreading and managing hearing loss: beginners
- Lipreading and managing hearing loss: improvers
- Lipreading and managing hearing loss: long term learners advanced
- Lipreading teacher training course
- Literature taster
- Living well with hearing loss
- Local history writing
- London at war 1939-1945
- London photography: bridges in the city
- London street photography
- London's hidden art and architecture
- London's quartiers
- London's smaller galleries: Apsley House
- London's smaller galleries: Leighton House
- Looking at paintings
- Machine learning: intermediate
- Magic workshop
- Managing hearing loss at work
- Massage: an introduction (access to level 3)
- Massage: workshop
- Masterclass: fiction (a one-term intensive workshop)
- Masterclass: poetry (a one-term intensive workshop)
- Masters of style: reading and writing Hemingway
- Maths functional skills (level 1)
- Medicine in the Middle Ages
- Medieval Latin: module 1
- Medieval Latin: module 2
- Men's ballet
- Method acting
- Metternich, Bismarck and the changing face of 19th Century Europe
- Micro-memoir: a taster
- Micropoetry: small poems, big ideas
- Miles Davis: from bebop to hip-hop
- Mixing and music production techniques
- Modern France: from de Gaulle and the Resistance to Macron
- Modern France: from the Paris Commune to the Vichy Regime
- Modern Greek 2 lower: module 1
- Modern Greek 2 lower: module 2
- Modern Greek 2 upper: module 1
- Modern Greek 2 upper: module 2
- Modern Greek beginners: module 1
- Modern Greek beginners: module 2
- Modern political philosophy: ideas and ideologies in the 21st century
- More chess for improvers
- More current affairs
- More mosaics
- Mosaics introductory: direct method
- Movement for actors
- Music production with Logic
- Music production with Logic: advanced
- Music theory: grade 3
- Music theory: grade 4
- Music theory: grade 5
- Music theory: grade 6
- Music theory: grade 7
- Music theory: grades 1 and 2
- Musicianship 1: listening and reading, pitch and rhythm
- Musicianship 2: bass clef, scales and rhythm
- Mystery religions
- Narrative filmmaking
- National Gallery
- National Portrait Gallery
- Nature writing
- Neo-Latin: module 1
- Neo-Latin: module 2
- New Testament Greek 3: module 1
- New Testament Greek 3: module 2
- Nutrition: an introduction
- Oil painting projects
- Old English level 1
- Old English level 2
- Online marketing: a detailed introduction
- Online marketing: a short introduction
- Orchestra workshop
- Overcoming procrastination
- Painting 2
- Painting 3
- PC maintenance: an introduction
- Percussion orchestra (for people with learning difficulties)
- Performance poetry
- Philosophical life coaching
- Philosophy of art
- Piano repertoire
- Piano workshop 4
- Piano workshop 5
- Piano workshop 6
- Piano workshop 7
- Piano workshop 8
- Piano/keyboards 1B
- Piano/keyboards 1C
- Piano/keyboards 1D
- Piano/keyboards 1E
- Piano/keyboards 1F
- Piano/keyboards 2A
- Piano/keyboards 2B
- Piano/keyboards 2C
- Piano/keyboards 3A
- Piano/keyboards 3C
- Piano/keyboards 4B
- Piano/keyboards 4C
- Piano: advanced workshop
- Piano: return to playing
- Picture book writing: a taster
- Pilates: balance and strength
- Pilates: Friday chill out
- Pinhole photography
- Pioneering women at the National Portrait Gallery
- Playwriting: a taster
- Poetry and the moving image
- Poetry masterclass at Keats House, Hampstead
- Poetry workshop: intensive
- Polish 2: module 2
- Portraits 1
- Portraits 2
- Portraits and people photography
- Pottery for beginners
- Pottery intermediate
- Pottery on Saturdays: intermediate
- Pottery: a taster course in throwing
- Pottery: introduction to throwing and decoration
- Pottery: Saturday throwing course
- Pre-level 2 in BSL: refresher
- Pre-level 3 in BSL
- Pregnancy massage
- Preparation for A-level Italian part 2
- Presenting on the spot
- Presenting on the spot: advanced
- Printmaking studio: focus on colour
- Probability and statistics for Data Analysis
- Psychology of dreaming
- Psychology of leadership
- Psychology of Resilience
- Psychology of wellbeing
- Public speaking
- Raise your self-esteem
- Reading English literature aloud: late 20th century and beyond
- Reading for writers: queer fiction (a fortnightly course)
- Reading for writers: the short story (a fortnightly course)
- Recorders 1A
- Recorders 1B
- Recorders 1C
- Reflexology workshop
- Reflexology: an introduction
- Reflexology: taster workshop
- Refresher workshop for people who stammer
- Reiki 2 Certificate
- Reiki with crystals
- Reiki: taster workshop
- Repousse for Jewellers
- Roman London
- Rush basketry
- Russian 2: verbs, tenses and adjectives
- Russian 3: module 1
- Russian 3: module 2
- Russian 4: module 1
- Russian 4: module 2
- Sampling, beat-making and synth programming
- Sanskrit level 1: module 1
- Sanskrit level 2: module 1
- Sanskrit level 2: module 2
- Saxophone 1A
- Saxophone 1B
- Saxophone 2B
- Saxophone 3A
- Saxophone 3B
- Saxophone 4
- Screen acting: advanced
- Screen acting: beginners
- Screenprinting workshop
- Screenwriting for feature film
- Sculpture: inspired by Giacometti
- Search engine optimisation (SEO)
- Self defence and personal safety for women: level 1
- Self defence and personal safety for women: level 2
- Self-presentation skills for business people
- Seven wonders of the ancient world
- Sewing on Sundays II
- Sewing on Sundays III
- Shiatsu: taster workshop
- Shinrin-yoku: nature therapy
- Short story writing
- Short story writing: intensive
- Sign Language Teacher Training Course
- Silver Swans ballet class
- Sing jazz 1
- Sing soul and blues
- Sing with confidence
- Singing workshop
- SketchUp Pro for beginners
- Social media advertising: a detailed introduction
- Social media apps, tips and tricks
- Social media content strategy
- Social media for business: introduction
- Soundscapes (for people with learning difficulties)
- Spanish 2 conversation
- Spanish 2 upper: module 1
- Spanish 2 upper: module 3
- Spanish 3 lower: module 1
- Spanish 3 lower: module 2
- Spanish 3 upper: consolidation
- Spanish 3 upper: module 1
- Spanish 3 upper: module 2
- Spanish 3 upper: module 3
- Spanish 3/4: grammar workshop - past tense
- Spanish 3/4: grammar workshop - subjunctive
- Spanish 4: tertulia y conversación
- Spanish 5: actualidad y debate
- Spanish 5: estudios literarios hispánicos
- Spanish beginners at a gentle pace: module 1
- Spanish beginners at a gentle pace: module 2
- Spanish beginners at a gentle pace: module 3
- Spanish beginners: module 1A
- Spanish beginners: module 2
- Spanish taster
- Stage management and technical theatre production
- Stammering therapy
- Stanislavski workshop
- Stanislavski: beginners
- Start planting design for your garden
- Stay safe online
- Stories of London
- Storytelling for business and pleasure 1
- Storytelling for business and pleasure 2
- Stream Form to Arts and Crafts: suburban architecture 1914-1939 (a guided walk)
- String Easter School
- String ensemble
- Study trip: glories of the Florentine Renaissance
- Swahili beginners: module 1
- Swedish 4: module 1
- Swedish 4: module 2
- Swedish beginners: module 2
- Symbols and stories: saints in art
- T'ai Chi Chuan: beginners
- T'ai Chi Chuan: mixed levels
- Tai Chi: beginners
- Tai Chi: intermediate
- Tap dance: beginners
- Tap dance: improvers
- Tap dance: intermediate
- Teaching methods for BSL teachers workshop
- Textiles and surface pattern: drawing and design development
- Textiles and surface pattern: understanding repeats
- Textiles: basics for beginners
- Textiles: constructing pattern, colouring cloth
- Textiles: experimental hand stitch
- Textiles: indigo shibori dyeing
- Textiles: monoprinting and hand stitch
- The art and culture of 17th century London
- The art and culture of the Victorians
- The art of negotiating
- The City Lit 7-day intensive course for adults who stammer
- The Dutch and Flemish Golden Age
- The emergence of Europe 300-1000
- The geology beneath British landscapes
- The history of Western art in 100 paintings
- The life and times of George II
- The lost town of Lundenwic: mid-Saxon London 600-900 CE
- The meaning of light: symbolism and religious objects in world faiths
- The music of Brazil: from samba through bossa nova
- The Odyssey reading group (in translation)
- The physics of life
- The physics of time
- The Quakers: an introduction
- The rise and fall of the Italian Renaissance
- The Schumanns: a Romantic partnership
- The Vichy Regime
- Theta Healing® Advanced DNA
- Theta Healing® Basic DNA
- Think like an artist: in 16th century Venice
- Topics in medieval music
- Touch typing and keyboard skills
- Transcribe jazz solos
- Travel writing
- Travel writing workshop
- Try it out: basketry
- Try it out: calligraphy
- TSUBOKI Japanese face massage
- Turkish beginners: module 1
- TV presenting for beginners (intensive)
- Una stagione con Dante: introduzione
- Use your voice assertively
- Using hashtags effectively
- Vectorworks for beginners
- Viola workshop
- Violin and viola 1A
- Violin and viola 1B
- Violin and viola 1C
- Violin and viola 2A
- Violin and viola 2B
- Violin and viola 2C
- Violin and viola 3C
- Violin and viola 4A
- Violin and viola 4B
- Virgil's Aeneid reading group (in translation)
- Visible stitches, spectacular spines: experiments in exposed sewing
- Vocal recording: production techniques
- Voice technique: improvers
- Voiceovers: advanced
- Voiceovers: beginners
- Voiceovers: improvers
- Ways into creative writing: a gentle pace
- Ways into creative writing: intensive
- Ways into Islamic art
- Ways into playwriting
- Ways into poetry
- Ways into poetry: a gentle pace
- Ways into psychology
- Ways into screenwriting
- Welsh 2 lower: module 2
- Welsh 4: module 1
- Welsh 4: module 2
- Welsh beginners: module 2
- What makes a masterpiece
- What the poem wants: drafting and editing workshop
- Women in art 1400-1800
- Women in art 1800-1900
- WordPress: advanced
- WordPress: intermediate
- WordPress: introduction
- Working with bereavement and loss
- World music: an introduction
- World music: Bollywood tunes
- World-building for fantasy and speculative fiction writers
- Write a short story in a week
- Write a short story in a weekend
- Writing a short film
- Writing about food
- Writing and rewriting fairytales
- Writing black out poetry
- Writing children's poetry
- Writing fantasy stories
- Writing fiction
- Writing for business
- Writing for magazines
- Writing for podcasts
- Writing for video games
- Writing funny fiction
- Writing haiku poetry
- Writing historical fiction
- Writing inspiration jam
- Writing poetry: experiments in chance and choice
- Writing reviews
- Writing romance
- Writing science fiction
- Writing the city
- Writing villanelles
- Yoga for a healthy back
- Yoga for Deaf people: mixed levels
- Yoga: intermediate
- Yoga: mixed levels