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Deaf Day - 14 April 2018

Visitors at Deaf DayVisitors at Deaf Day

Join us for Deaf Day on Saturday 14 April, 10:00-16:00

For 22 years Deaf Day has attracted thousands of deaf, hard-of-hearing and hearing people of every age from across the UK. People come to socialise, exchange information and celebrate deaf issues. Come and visit a range of exhibition stands with organisations and groups demonstrating products and services. Enjoy free entertainment, workshops and BSL interpreted taster courses throughout the day.

Welcome to Deaf Day 2018!
City Lit Principal Mark Malcomson welcomes everyone to Deaf Day at 11:00 in the John Lyon's Theatre. This will be followed by a presentation from StageText followed by a BSL Poetry Performance by Richard France from DeafNoise. 

We have a free crèche provision for all children between the ages of 3-8 years. Lots of fun activities for children to join in with, whilst you wander around the stalls and workshops. A safe environment with qualified childcare staff and a trained CSW. The crèche is available from 10.30-12.15 and 1.30-3.30. Closed for lunch from 12.30-1.30. 

Miss Bumblebee Balloons
This year one of our City Lit notetakers will be 'Miss Bumblebee' and she'll be buzzing around the building twisting balloons into animal shapes for you. Catch her if you can! 

Cloakroom - ground floor theatre reception
Available from 9.30am-4.30pm

Admission is free – all welcome! For more information please email

Deaf Day Poster

aturday 16 February 2019, 10:30-16:30, British Museum, BP Theatre

Participants must make their own arrangements for accommodation when attending conferences and other events at City Lit.

Paintbrush on paperPaintbrush on paper

Tasters in Visual Arts

Enjoy a short workshop in one of our most popular Visual Arts subjects. To book a place on a free taster course, please register at the Theatre Box Office from 10am on Deaf Day. Places are limited to one taster per person. 

Embroidery patch workshop / 1-3pm Room 401 

Embroidery patches are everywhere! It’s the perfect way to make a subtle statement or instantly update an old jumper you’ve had hidden away for years. Patches become even more fun and intriguing when you have stitched them! Tutor: Sonia Bienek 

Ceramics: coil building organic forms / 12.30-2.30pm Room 307

Combine two colours of clay to build organic forms. Create interesting marks and patterns that are part of the structure of the object rather than applied to the surface. Tutor: Lauren Ilsley 

Watercolour techniques / 2-4pm Room 402 

This short introduction to watercolour techniques will cover wet on wet, dry brush and other watercolour techniques. There will be a short talk followed by a practical demonstration. You will then have the opportunity to try it out yourself. Tutor: Hilary Rosen 

Bunch of dried lavender Bunch of dried lavender

Tasters in Health & Wellbeing

Enjoy a short workshop in one of our most popular Health & Wellbeing subjects. To book a place on a free taster course, please register at the Theatre Box Office from 10am on Deaf Day. Places are limited to one taster per person. 

Gentle Yoga workshop / 12.30-1.30pm Room 104

Beginners are welcome and posture adaptations are provided for lesser able students. Stretch, relax and feel good!This taster offers both an introduction to yoga and a gentle way of practice. Tutor: Sarah Scott (Deaf)

Aromatherapy workshop / 12.30-2.30pm Room MO2

Explore the beautiful smells and healing qualities of essential oils. Choose your favourite oils to blend and create your own hand cream or body lotion. Tutor: Helen Rennie 

Hand massage workshop / 2-4pm Room 504

Learn how to give and receive a therapeutic and relaxing massage. Learn to massage the hand, wrist and lower arm. Use a selection of carrier oils eg. sweet almond, apricot kernel and  avocado, to suit your skin type. Tutor:  Helen Rennie      

Nutrition workshop / 3.30-4.40pm Room 404

Taught by a nutrition specialist who is deaf herself, you'll discover the impact of certain foods on the heart and your health and how to improve these through nutrition. Tutor: Jeanann Doyle.


Workshops - tickets required

To attend a free workshop, please book a ticket at the Theatre Box Office from 10am on Deaf Day.

  • John Lyon's Theatre 
    Welcome to Deaf Day by City Lit Principal Mark Malcomson / 11.00-11.15
    StageText Demonstration / 11.15-11.30
    BSL poetry by Richard France - DeafNoise / 11.30-12.00
    A loop system is available in the theatre 
  • Room 111
    Lipreading Taster by Lorraine Braggins / 11.45-12.30 (Interpreter)
    Alexander Technique & Hearing Loss by Daryl Joyce / 13.30-14.15 (Interpreter, Electronic Notetaker)
    Lipreading Taster by Lisa Weller / 14.45-15.30 (Interpreter) 
Deaf day scheduleDeaf day schedule

Room 112
Fraud & Cyber Crime Awareness by Falcon - Met Police /11.45-12.30 (Interpreter, Electronic Notetaker, Lipspeaker)
Fraud & Cyber Crime Awareness by Falcon - Met Police /13.30-14.15 (Interpreter, Electronic Notetaker, Lipspeaker)
Introduction to First Aid for Deaf People / 14.45-15.30 (Interpreter) 

Deaf Day schedule room 112Deaf Day schedule room 112
  • Room 113
    Deaf-friendly banking by Metro Bank / 11.45-12.30 (Interpreter, Electronic Notetaker)
    BSL Taster by Geraldine Davison-Grey / 13.30-14:45 
    Deaf History by Peter Brown / 14.45-15.30 (Interpreter, Electronic Notetaker) 
Deaf Day room 113 scheduleDeaf Day room 113 schedule

Deaf Day 2018 is sponsored by:

Lipreading practice

Lipreading practice was created by Gloria McGregor and is internationally used. It is helping those regaining speech following a stroke and those practising hearing after a cochlear implant. It is a free resource for anyone wishing to practice lipreading skills or wanting to find information relating to hearing loss. There are videos, exercises and information, plus deaf awareness, freely available to all. 


SignVideo: British Sign Language video interpreting services is a Video Relay Services and Video Remote Interpreting provider in the UK. SignVideo provides BSL video interpreting services to enable communication between the community of over 150.000 deaf BSL users in the UK and hearing people. The relay service allows users to make and receive BSL interpreted video calls so that they can effectively and effortlessly communicate with each other. 

We are currently trialling this service until Sunday 29 April 2018.
Click here to try out SignVideo

Hamilton Lodge School and College

Hamilton Lodge is a school and college for deaf children based in Brighton, East Sussex. Their new specialist provision ensures that deaf pupils with complex needs can access their education.