Reiki Master Certificate
Time: 10:00 - 16:30
Location: Kean Street Wellbeing Centre
Check your level
- Course Code: FJF73
- Dates: 01/06/25 - 15/06/25
- Time: 10:00 - 16:30
- Taught: Sun, Daytime
- Duration: 3 sessions (over 3 weeks)
- Location: Kean Street Wellbeing Centre
- Tutor: Oge Okoh
Course Code: FJF73
Duration: 3 sessions (over 3 weeks)
Please note: We offer a wide variety of financial support to make courses affordable. Just visit our online Help Centre for more information on a range of topics including fees, online learning and FAQs.
What is the course about?
Reiki Master Practitioner is ideal for those who have completed Reiki 1 and 2 and now wish to move forward with their practice to Master Level, deepen their knowledge and increase their flow of Reiki, but do not wish to teach Reiki themselves at this stage.
The focus will be on teaching new techniques to enhance a Reiki practice and workshop time to explore new ideas and give/receive treatments. You will receive Usui and Tibetan Master attunements and study the Reiki Master symbols, spiritual development, psychic development, and the responsibilities of a Reiki Master.
What will we cover?
- Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master attunements
- Reiki Master symbols
- Responsibilities of a Reiki Master
- Spiritual development
- Reiki crystal grids
- Psychic surgery
- Antakaranas
- Reiki meditations
- Violet breath.
What will I achieve?
By the end of this course you should be able to...
- Draw and use the Reiki Master Symbols
- Be attuned to Reiki master
- Identify the responsibilities of a Reiki Master
- Understand and practice psychic surgery
- Create a Reiki crystal grid
- Complete Reiki treatments using Master symbols/Antakaranas.
What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?
This course is for those who have completed Reiki 1st and 2nd Degree level and wish to enhance their connection to Reiki and expand their application of Reiki healing.You must be confident in using the Reiki 2 symbols and be engaged in regular Reiki and/or meditative practice.
How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside the class?
Presentation and demonstrations by the tutor, practical work, pair work, individual work, question and answer.
Are there any other costs? Is there anything I need to bring?
No other costs involved.
When I've finished, what course can I do next?
Complementary therapies – ITEC Level 3 Massage, Reiki with crystals, Healing, creativity and chakras, Crystal Healing, and other vibrational therapies.
Oge is a body therapist and Healer. She has been a practising therapist for 16 years, treating clients with various massage therapies including holistic massage, sports and onsite massage, lymphatic drainage, Indian head massage, reflexology, and aromatherapy, in a variety of settings. She is also a Reiki Master, with particular interest in pet healing. Oge is currently tutor coordinator for the Health and Wellbeing department, as well as actively teaching and developing new courses . Her career in health began 20 years ago working within social care, specifically with children and adults with special needs After healing herself from a mystery illness, she understands how the body, mind and spirit truly work in harmony, and is passionate about bringing bodywork back to its healing roots, and improving wellbeing for everyone. Oge enjoys life
Please note: We reserve the right to change our tutors from those advertised. This happens rarely, but if it does, we are unable to refund fees due to this. Our tutors may have different teaching styles; however we guarantee a consistent quality of teaching in all our courses.