Introduction to collage and mixed media
Time: 10:00 - 17:00
Location: Keeley Street
- Course Code: VH620
- Dates: 08/06/25 - 22/06/25
- Time: 10:00 - 17:00
- Taught: Sun, Daytime
- Duration: 3 sessions (over 3 weeks)
- Location: Keeley Street
Course Code: VH620
Duration: 3 sessions (over 3 weeks)
Please note: We offer a wide variety of financial support to make courses affordable. Just visit our online Help Centre for more information on a range of topics including fees, online learning and FAQs.
What is the course about?
This Course introduces you to inventive and immediate ways of working with a variety of Papers and other materials using Collage and Mixed Media. Exciting and accessible, mixed media brings great freedom of expression, fostering experimentation and play to explore personal ideas in new and diverse ways.
What will we cover?
You will be introduced to a variety of techniques, that enable you to experiment with different papers and materials, to create collaged 2 and 3 dimensional pieces.
• You will be working with the expressive use of - colour, texture, pattern, drawing, text, and photographic images, to create diverse paper surfaces, for collage.
• You will be introduced to the immediacy of quick observational drawing, to bring into collage work, as well as looking at ways of drawing that uses strips of painted papers.
• You will be working with different papers – new, old, text – faded, fragmented, mended etc., and incorporate drawn or painted lines, to create 2 or 3 dimensional relief surfaces. This will be explored further through paper manipulation - folding, scrunching, piercing, wetting, weaving, layering, sewing etc. whilst still retaining your drawn or stitched line.
• You will be introduced to the technical immediacy of Mono-printing, paper weaving, as well as paper, ink and painting surface alterations.
What will I achieve?
By the end of this course you should be able to...
• Understand the different qualities that can be achieved in Collage and Mixed Media - through working with varieties of papers and edges, painted, drawn and sewn surfaces, and contrasting scaled images and marks.
• Experiment with paper - wet, dry, folded, scrunched up, painted, torn, cut, pierced and stained etc.
This will bring an understanding of the need to incorporate paper qualities into collage, for greater depth and richness of relief surfaces.
• Understand how to incorporate precious and personal images into your work - letters, photos, historical documents etc., can produce work that captures personal stories, memories and greater emotions.
• Use some mono-printed techniques, bringing drawn, printed and replica textured surfaces to your work.
How to weave painted paper pieces to incorporate into your work.
What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?
For beginners as well as those wanting to expand their knowledge and skills using mixed-media and collage. No particular skills required except the willingness to experiment!
How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside the class?
Students are taught through group and individual tuition, as well as on going demonstrations. The Course is structured around creative projects and technique, with hand-outs, power point presentations, artists books, and demonstrations. At the end of the course, the group reflects on experiences learnt.
Are there any other costs? Is there anything I need to bring?
The course provides a wide selection of essential materials and equipment necessary. You can also bring with you any ‘found’ papers such as paper bags, florist papers, envelopes, weekend newspaper supplements, old books, photocopies of photos, letters, drawings etc., to bring a greater personal connection to your work. Advice will be given on the first session.
When I've finished, what course can I do next?
There are a range of Mixed Media and Collage courses to suit all levels eg Contemporary Collage Projects 1,2,3.