Why Study Sports Massage Therapy at City Lit? Q&A with Anett

Published: 14 December 2023
Anett Nagyapati

City Lit Student Anett Nagyapati

When Anett moved to the UK in 2012 from Hungary, she had her eyes set on Sports Massage Therapy. Progressing from level 3 all the way to level 5 at City Lit, she benefitted from the anatomical focus and practical nature of the courses. Anett has since become a self-employed massage therapist. She even competed in the UK Massage Championships 2023!

Video: Anett talks about her time at City Lit studying Sports Massage Therapy

Tell us a bit about your journey?

My journey in the massage world started back in 2010 with the first basic Swedish massage course in Hungary. I came to the UK in 2012, but my Hungarian qualifications weren’t accepted in the UK, so I had to redo all my courses. When I started studying massage, I was working in hospitality and elderly healthcare, and from 2017 I was able to be self-employed, and start building my massage business.

Why did you decide to do Sports Massage at City Lit?

Sports massage was on my wish list for a long time. I’m practising as a massage therapist for over ten years and felt that sports massage is somehow the crown. I wanted to do all the 3 levels in one go to save as much time as possible. After doing courses during the last couple of years, I knew that a serious course can’t be done within a few days or a weekend. So, I was checking organisations, how long they have been on the market for, what kind of other courses they have, the duration of the course and if there was any financial support from the government. The location was also an important factor for choosing City Lit.

Tell us a bit about your time at the course

Sports massage is a very complex treatment and before this course I completed many other courses, but none of them were this long. With the Sports Massage course, we first started with very deep anatomy. It’s important to understand the body, and to know what we are doing and why we are doing that. So, it’s given me the bigger picture. I think one of the most important things in any massage course is the practical part. I really enjoyed spending the mornings learning theory and the afternoons were for practising. There are also different activities like open days, and I took part in the UK Massage Championship in 2023 where I became third.

What skills did you develop during the courses?

We learned different skills during the course; consultation, assessment as well new massage techniques, like muscle energy techniques or soft tissue release. It felt like putting all the pieces together from all my previous courses.

I am immensely thankful for City Lit, Alan Billington and Trevor England in particular, for their understanding and support during the course.
Anett in one of the practice rooms in the Wellbeing Centre

What advice would you give someone who might be interested in joining Sports Massage Therapy, Level 3-5 at City Lit?

My advice would be for everybody thinking about doing this type of course to think about the perfect timing in their life, what your circumstances are, because it takes a lot of time and commitment to complete a course like this. But in the end, it’s all worth, it’s a long and hard journey, but it is very beneficial. 

Massage practice room in Wellbeing Centre
Massage class at City Lit

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Why Study Sports Massage Therapy at City Lit? Q&A with Anett