Writing a memoir: continuation

Course Dates: 24/02/25 - 31/03/25
Time: 17:30 - 19:30
Location: Keeley Street
Julie Garton
Some moments in our lives are so powerful they beg to be shared with the world. This continuation course guides students in developing a memoir project that will resonate and inspire.
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Writing a memoir: continuation
  • Course Code: HW167
  • Dates: 24/02/25 - 31/03/25
  • Time: 17:30 - 19:30
  • Taught: Mon, Evening
  • Duration: 6 sessions (over 6 weeks)
  • Location: Keeley Street
  • Tutor: Julie Garton

Course Code: HW167

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Mon, eve, 24 Feb - 31 Mar '25

Duration: 6 sessions (over 6 weeks)

Any questions? writing@citylit.ac.uk
or call 020 4582 0415

Please note: We offer a wide variety of financial support to make courses affordable. Just visit our online Help Centre for more information on a range of topics including fees, online learning and FAQs.

What is the course about?

Do you have a story to tell that will move, delight, stir and inform readers? This six week course guides students in crafting a memoir. Students will explore both the language and structural elements of writing a memoir. As this is a continuation course, it is most suited for students who have studied the introductory memoir module or have other experience of autobiographical writing.

What will we cover?

- Which segments of the story to include in your memoir.
- Language techniques that work well in the genre.
- Structural techniques that work well in the genre.

What will I achieve?
By the end of this course you should be able to...

- Develop engaging extracts for your memoir.
- Select appropriate material for your planned chapters.
- Understand language and structural techniques that work well in the genre.

What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?

As this is a continuation course, it is most suited for students who have studied the introductory memoir module or have other experience of autobiographical writing.

How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside the class?

Students will be guided through a mix of pair work, group work, formal instruction from the tutor, writing exercises and workshopping.

All writing courses at City Lit will involve an element of workshop. This means that students will produce work which will be discussed in an open and constructive environment with the tutor and other students. The college operates a policy of constructive criticism, and all feedback on another student’s work by the tutor and other students should be delivered in that spirit.

For classes longer than one day, regular reading and writing exercises will be set for completion at home to set deadlines.

City Lit Writing endeavours to create a safe and welcoming space for all and we strongly support the use of content notes in our classes. This means that learners are encouraged to make their tutor and classmates aware in advance if any writing they wish to share contains material that may be deemed sensitive. If you are unsure about what might constitute sensitive content, please ask your tutor for further clarification and read our expectations for participating in writing courses at City Lit.

Are there any other costs? Is there anything I need to bring?

Writing materials.

When I've finished, what course can I do next?

City Lit offer a range of creative non-fiction courses that would enable those writing a memoir to further develop their skills. Browse the writing section of our website for further information.

All students are invited to join us at Late Lines, our regular performance night for City Lit writers. Students are also encouraged to submit their work to Between the Lines, our annual anthology of creative writing. For the latest news, courses and events, stay in touch with the Department on Facebook and Twitter.

Julie Garton

Julie studied at the University of Essex, the Central School of Speech and Drama and Dartington College. She has written several plays for young audiences for, amongst others, the Unicorn Theatre for Children. She currently writes articles about landscape, heritage and nature. Julie won the 2014 British Czech and Slovak creative writing prize for her personal essay about the Czech Poet and dissident Ivan Blatny.

Please note: We reserve the right to change our tutors from those advertised. This happens rarely, but if it does, we are unable to refund fees due to this. Our tutors may have different teaching styles; however we guarantee a consistent quality of teaching in all our courses.