Italian 2 lower: module 1
Time: 18:00 - 19:30
Location: Online
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.
Choose a start date
- Course Code: LN204
- Dates: 23/09/24 - 02/12/24
- Time: 18:00 - 19:30
- Taught: Mon, Evening
- Duration: 11 sessions (over 11 weeks)
- Location: Online
Course Code: LN204
Choose a start date
Duration: 11 sessions (over 11 weeks)
Please note: We offer a wide variety of financial support to make courses affordable. Just visit our online Help Centre for more information on a range of topics including fees, online learning and FAQs.
What is the course about?
This course is for learners who have done a year of Italian, or who have an equivalent level. It aims to reinforce/consolidate what you have already learnt and enable you to deal with a variety of practical situations with reasonable ease and confidence. You'll find yourself speaking more confidently and understanding more of written and spoken Italian.
This is a live online course. You will need:
- Internet connection. The classes work best with Chrome.
- A computer with microphone and camera is best (e.g. a PC/laptop/iMac/MacBook), or a tablet/iPad/smart phone/iPhone if you don't have a computer.
- Earphones/headphones/speakers.
We will contact you with joining instructions before your course starts.
What will we cover?
Based on chapters 1 & 3 of Nuovo Espresso 2 (Alma Edizioni - Italian version)
Themes: introducing yourself; shopping for clothes; describing people
Grammar: agreement of nouns and gender; indirect pronouns; reflexive verbs; past tense (passato prossimo).
What will I achieve?
By the end of this course you should be able to...
- express your opinion and ask for and give advice
- make comparisons
- describe people's appearance and character
- make polite requests
- express wishes and desires.
What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?
Second-year Italian course - You should have studied Italian for about a year recently or have an equivalent level of the language (A2 on the Common European Framework).
For further details of the specific foreign language skills required for this level, please see the languages self-assessment chart, using the link at the top of this page. You can also find the chart at the start of the languages section in our course guide. You will also need to be able to respond to simple instructions and read course documents in English and be at ease with the use of number for daily activities (e.g. using money, telling the time, etc).
How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside the class?
Our courses are characterised by spoken interaction and communication. Typical activities include pair work, group work, role plays and games. A range of resources will be used to support your learning including presentations, hand-outs, and audio-visual material.
Homework is highly recommended to consolidate learning.
Are there any other costs? Is there anything I need to bring?
Course book: Nuovo Espresso 2 (the Italian edition, published by Alma Edizioni)
When I've finished, what course can I do next?
Italian 2 Lower: Module 2. Please enrol on the next module as soon as possible as spaces cannot be guaranteed.