Enhance your impact and presence

Course Dates: 07/12/24 - 08/12/24
Time: 11:00 - 17:00
Location: Keeley Street
Strong people skills are essential these days. You must be able to communicate, influence and impress both your colleagues and friends to enhance relationships and to make yourself heard. Discover how to enhance your vocal and physical impact and presence in many situations and become aware of habits that may hold you back. This weekend course will be delivered in the college.
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Enhance your impact and presence
  • Course Code: DVX069
  • Dates: 07/12/24 - 08/12/24
  • Time: 11:00 - 17:00
  • Taught: Sat-Sun, Daytime
  • Duration: 2 sessions
  • Location: Keeley Street
  • Tutor: Stephanie Lunn

Course Code: DVX069

Choose a start date  

Sat-Sun, day, 07 Dec - 08 Dec '24

Duration: 2 sessions

Any questions? drama@citylit.ac.uk
or call 020 4582 0413

Please note: We offer a wide variety of financial support to make courses affordable. Just visit our online Help Centre for more information on a range of topics including fees, online learning and FAQs.

What is the course about?

Strong people skills are essential these days. You must be able to communicate, influence and impress both your colleagues and friends to enhance relationships and to make yourself heard. Discover how to enhance your vocal and physical impact and presence in many situations and become aware of habits that may hold you back.

What will we cover?

Analyse what makes people appear confident.
Body language and Posture.
Use of voice – Pace, Pause, Projection and Tone
Identify habits that might hold you back.
Learn an assertive model for tricky conversations and situations
Assert your views with increased confidence and make an impact on otthers
Build rapport and communicate with others.

What will I achieve?
By the end of this course you should be able to...

Use your voice and body more effectively.
Discover ways to relax and breath more effectively.
Impart information in such a way that people will really ‘hear’ what you say.
Identify and highlight your best qualities.
Make a stronger impact and appear more confident and relaxed in all areas of your life.

What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?

All levels.

How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside the class?

Please dress appropriately for relaxation and to move around freely.

Are there any other costs? Is there anything I need to bring?

Bring a pen and paper- a small hand mirror may be useful.

When I've finished, what course can I do next?

Presenting on the Spot; Communicate with Confidence; Use Your Voice Assertively
Please refer to our
full sequence of voice and speech classes at City Lit (click here) as you consider which area you would like to study next.

Stephanie Lunn

Stephanie Lunn is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development, and has an MSc in Strategic HR from University of Hull and a Postgraduate Certificate in Coaching form Birkbeck. She was a UK and Global HR Director and Business Partner in media and professional services companies, including Fleishman-Hillard, Agency.Com; Yahoo!, Cake and MPC before founding BluJacket Human Resources Consultancy. She has been teaching presentation skills at City Lit for many years, returning in 2016 after a break to bring up her daughter.

Please note: We reserve the right to change our tutors from those advertised. This happens rarely, but if it does, we are unable to refund fees due to this. Our tutors may have different teaching styles; however we guarantee a consistent quality of teaching in all our courses.