Courses in London & Online
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- Italian pronunciationCourse start date: Wed 19 Feb 2025 (and 1 other date)
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Evi CampetellaThis short course is geared towards helping you sound more like a native speaker of Italian. While Italian pronunciation may seem relatively simple, there are actually quite a few features that require focus and practice. This course will allow you to concentrate on the sounds of Italian - how to produce them when speaking and how to recognise them when listening.
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.Full fee £69.00 Senior fee £55.00 Concession £45.00 - Italian 3: lingua e culturaCourse start date: Fri 21 Feb 2025
Location on this date: Keeley Street
Tutors: Flavia D'AngelantonioAn ideal chance to put your Italian into practice discussing Italian culture and practise your language skills. We'll talk about food, art, music and other topics of interest to the class.Full fee £129.00 Senior fee £103.00 Concession £84.00 - Italian 2 listening skillsCourse start date: Tue 25 Feb 2025
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Silvana VistolaThis skills-based course is for lower intermediate learners of Italian and aims to provide you with special training in how to listen more effectively to spoken Italian in a variety of different contexts. You'll also look at elements of Italian pronunciation to give you a better idea of how Italian is spoken.
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information. - Italian beginners: focus on listeningCourse start date: Wed 26 Feb 2025
Location on this date: Online
Listening is often cited as one of the most challenging areas for beginner learners of a foreign language. This course is intended for beginners in Italian who would like extra practice in listening so that they can feel more confident in their ability to understand and respond to spoken Italian.
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.Full fee £79.00 Senior fee £79.00 Concession £51.00 - Italian 4/5: Artiste italiane del Rinascimento e del BaroccoCourse start date: Fri 28 Feb 2025
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Evi CampetellaTra Rinascimento e Barocco: una stagione artistica tutta al femminile straordinariamente fiorente che partendo dal XV si conclude agli inizi del XVIII secolo.
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information. - Trieste e Gorizia: terre di frontiera tra est e ovestCourse start date: Fri 7 Mar 2025
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Francesco BucciolTra Ottocento e Novecento, Trieste e Gorizia hanno vissuto cambiamenti radicali. In questa lezione scoprirai le principali vicende storiche che hanno segnato profondamente queste terre, dalle divisioni create dalle guerre fino all’assegnazione a Gorizia del titolo di Capitale Europea della Cultura per il 2025.
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.Full fee £19.00 Senior fee £19.00 Concession £19.00 - Una stagione con Dante: ParadisoCourse start date: Wed 12 Mar 2025
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Francesco BucciolIn questa lezione vedremo Dante e la sua guida spirituale Beatrice salire nell’empireo. Faremo un’introduzione alla struttura del paradiso e vedremo alcuni dei suoi personaggi che dialogano con il sommo poeta.
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information. - Italian 3 lower: module 3Course start date: Wed 23 Apr 2025 (and 4 other dates)
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Selene GenovesiImprove your intermediate Italian on this communicative course. The emphasis is on developing your oral skills and acquiring a greater understanding of Italian grammar. Suitable if you have completed module 2 or equivalent. Based on Espresso 3 (Alma Edizioni).
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.Full fee £219.00 Senior fee £219.00 Concession £142.00 - Italian 2 lower: module 3Course start date: Sat 26 Apr 2025 (and 6 other dates)
Location on this date: Keeley Street
Tutors: Mariangela PilloniSuitable if you have completed Italian 2 lower: module 2. Improve your Italian on this communicative course for year 2 learners, or those who have an equivalent level. The emphasis is on developing your oral skills. Suitable if you have completed module 2 or equivalent. Based on Nuovo Espresso 2 (Alma Edizioni - Italian version).Full fee £219.00 Senior fee £219.00 Concession £142.00 - Italian beginners: module 3Course start date: Sat 26 Apr 2025 (and 5 other dates)
Location on this date: Keeley Street
Tutors: Mariangela PilloniContinue learning to speak Italian on this communicative course, with the emphasis on the practical use of Italian and the development of your speaking and listening skills. Suitable if you have completed beginners: module 2 or equivalent. Based on Nuovo Espresso 1 (Alma Edizioni - Italian version). Suggested progression route: Italian 2 lower: module 1.Full fee £229.00 Senior fee £229.00 Concession £149.00 - Italian 3 upper: module 3Course start date: Mon 28 Apr 2025 (and 3 other dates)
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Roberto MinardiQuesti corsi ti daranno la possibilitá di migliorare le tue capacitá di comprensione ed espressione scritta ed orale e sono basati sull' uso di materiale audiovisivo, lettura, discussione e pratica grammaticale. É necessario aver completato il 'module 2' o equivalente. Il corso si basa sul libro Nuovo Espresso 3 (Alma Edizioni).
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.Full fee £219.00 Senior fee £175.00 Concession £142.00 - Italian 2 upper: module 3Course start date: Mon 28 Apr 2025 (and 4 other dates)
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Paola NorthThis is the final module of year 3 Italian (Italian 2 upper), so you will be strengthening your grasp of grammar and increasing your vocabulary. The emphasis is on the development of your oral skills. Suitable if you have completed module 2 or equivalent. Based on Nuovo Espresso 2 (Alma Edizioni - Italian version).
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.Full fee £219.00 Senior fee £219.00 Concession £142.00 - Italian 4: module 3Course start date: Mon 28 Apr 2025 (and 5 other dates)
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Evi CampetellaQuesti corsi ti daranno la possibilitá di analizzare e discutere articoli giornalistici, testi letterari e programmi televisi. Praticherai continuamente tutte le abilitá linguistiche di ascolto, comprensione ed espressione scritta ed orale. É necessario un livello avanzato di Italiano ('Italian 4: module 1' o equivalente).
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.Full fee £219.00 Senior fee £175.00 Concession £142.00 - Italian 2 upper conversationCourse start date: Mon 28 Apr 2025
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Luca GastaldiThis skills-based course is for lower intermediate learners of Italian and is intended to improve your Italian speaking skills in everyday situations. We will be looking at both formal and informal scenarios, and the aim is to help you to feel more comfortable speaking Italian in order to improve your fluency.
Please note this course is intended for Italian 2 Upper learners (learners in their third year of study). If you are in Italian 2 lower (second year of study), please see Italian 2 Lower Conversation. If you're unsure of your level, please email
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.Full fee £219.00 Senior fee £175.00 Concession £142.00 - Italian 4: lingua e letteraturaCourse start date: Mon 28 Apr 2025 (and 1 other date)
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Roberto MinardiMigliorerai la tua capacità espressiva attraverso la lettura e la discussione di un testo letterario e l'esercitazione grammaticale.
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.Full fee £249.00 Senior fee £199.00 Concession £162.00
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