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London's biggest choice

Try something new...

Discover 1000s of courses, walks and talks in Covent Garden. City Lit is the ultimate destination for short courses in London. We offer more choice than anywhere else in London - from one-off talks and walks, courses over a few weeks through to year-long courses – our huge choice of courses means you’re bound to find a course at a time to suit you and at a price you want to pay.

Choose a course in daytime, evening or weekend – we are open seven days a week.

Search our subject categories to find a course at the right time for you - you can filter courses by day of the week, time of day and by price.

Browse our courses starting this week.

Affordable courses

We offer a range of different prices for our courses, government funding means we are able to offer courses at lower cost than they would be otherwise.

We also offer senior and concessionary fees on most of our courses.