Courses in London & Online
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- French 2 upper: focus on listeningCourse start date: Sat 15 Feb 2025
Location on this date: Keeley Street
Tutors: Valerie JézéquelLearn French in the heart of London.This skills-based course is for lower intermediate learners of French and aims to train you on strategies you can apply to listen more effectively to spoken French in a variety of different contexts. You will also look at elements of French pronunciation to give you a better idea of how French is spoken.Full fee £49.00 Senior fee £49.00 Concession £49.00 - French beginners: module 1Course start date: Fri 21 Feb 2025 (and 6 other dates)
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Isabelle FontanLearn French on this lively interactive course for beginners. The course will be taught in French, with an emphasis on developing your speaking and listening skills.
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.Full fee £219.00 Senior fee £175.00 Concession £142.00 - Return to French (lower intermediate)Course start date: Tue 25 Feb 2025 (and 3 other dates)
Location on this date: Keeley Street
Tutors: Stephanie RadetLearn French in the heart of London. Come and join this lively interactive course to refresh your lower intermediate French. After attending this course you will be able join a level 2 course starting soon.Full fee £149.00 Senior fee £119.00 Concession £97.00 - French 5: Yves Montand: un chanteur, une chanson, une vieCourse start date: Tue 25 Feb 2025
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Pierre PorcheronVenez découvrir ou redécouvrir ce magnifique chanteur francophone. La bohème fait partie de ses succès internationaux mais il y en a bien d'autres !
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.Full fee £49.00 Senior fee £39.00 Concession £32.00 - Full fee £129.00 Senior fee £103.00 Concession £84.00
- French 3 lower: focus on listeningCourse start date: Sat 1 Mar 2025
Location on this date: Keeley Street
Tutors: Valerie JézéquelLearn French in the heart of London.This skills-based course is for intermediate learners of French and aims to train you on strategies you can apply to listen more effectively to spoken French in a variety of different contexts. You will also look at elements of French pronunciation to give you a better idea of how French is spoken.Full fee £49.00 Senior fee £49.00 Concession £49.00 - French 3 upper: focus on listeningCourse start date: Sat 1 Mar 2025
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Pascale VuittenezCome and practise your upper intermediate listening skills in this lively workshop.
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.Full fee £59.00 Senior fee £47.00 Concession £38.00 - French 4: The Evolution of Political Ideologies in FranceCourse start date: Tue 11 Mar 2025
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Masa UzelacThis course explores the historical development and evolution of major political parties and ideologies in France, examining their roots in the country's socio-historical context. From the Revolution of 1789 to contemporary politics, participants will trace the emergence of key political movements across the left-right spectrum, including socialism, communism, Gaullism, liberalism, and far-right nationalism.
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.Full fee £69.00 Senior fee £55.00 Concession £45.00 - Full fee £49.00 Senior fee £49.00 Concession £49.00
- French holiday kitCourse start date: Sat 15 Mar 2025 (and 1 other date)
Location on this date: Keeley Street
Tutors: Yolande Mallet De ChaunyLearn French in the heart of London to make the most of your holidays in a French-speaking country with this short, intensive course. This holiday kit will provide you with all the language you need to communicate in the most common holiday situations and have a friendly chat with the locals!Full fee £99.00 Senior fee £99.00 Concession £64.00 - French 1/2: sing to improve your French (folk songs)Course start date: Sat 15 Mar 2025
Location on this date: Keeley Street
Tutors: Trista SelousThis is a fun workshop open to all and taught by ear, where we learn and sing around four French folk songs, with a focus on comprehension and pronunciation. While all the songs will be in French, the course may be run in English, French or a mixture of the two, to enable everyone to participate as fully as possible.Full fee £19.00 Senior fee £19.00 Concession £19.00 - French 5: Zola : une vie, une œuvreCourse start date: Wed 19 Mar 2025
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Pierre PorcheronEst-il encore besoin de présenter Émile Zola ? C’est un des romanciers français les plus populaires, les plus publiés, traduits, commentés au monde et adaptés au petit et grand écran.Il est principalement connu pour sa fresque romanesque Les Rougon-Macquart en vingt volumes dépeignant la société française sous le Second empire. Les dernières années de sa vie sont marquées par son engagement dans l'affaire Dreyfus.
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.Full fee £69.00 Senior fee £55.00 Concession £45.00 - French 3 upper: la Guyane françaiseCourse start date: Sat 22 Mar 2025
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Isabelle FontanA fantastic opportunity to discover and/or find out more about la Guyane française, the only French speaking country in South America. This workshop will be delivered in French and is ideal for learners wishing to improve their understanding of spoken French. Suitable if you are currently attending a French 3 upper course at the City Lit or have an equivalent knowledge.
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.Full fee £19.00 Senior fee £15.00 Concession £12.00 - French 4/5: French humourists: the classics and the new generationCourse start date: Sat 22 Mar 2025
Location on this date: Online
Tutors: Julie RicciLorsque l'on étudie une langue étrangère, l'humour est sans aucun doute l'élément le plus difficile à cerner ; et ironiquement, comprendre l'humour d'une culture différente de la sienne et son évolution permet de mieux en comprendre certaines complexités et certains combats. En effet, l'étude des divers humoristes qui ont marqué la France des 40 dernières années vous permettra de poser un nouveau regard sur l'évolution de la société française, connue pour ses provocations.
This course will be delivered online. See the ‘What is the course about?’ section in course details for more information.Full fee £69.00 Senior fee £55.00 Concession £45.00
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